Testers needed for a new editor

Testers needed for a new editor
Hello all,

I'm at the brink of finishing a 'basic basic' version of a new LDraw editor.

I would like to test this with a small group of people in order to weave out bugs and collect feedback on the feel of things.

Currently I found 3 people willing to help, but I would like to expand this group.

I'm looking for experienced LDraw users, because the software isn't 'new user' proof at the moment.

With the editor I'm aiming at a more visual oriented 'mlcad' way of doing things, so expect to work with grids etc.

Some features that are completed:

stepping (navigate through them, adding and placing stuff within a step)
relative grids (e.g. build a wall on a angle by setting the grid to the first bricks orientation).
multi file editing (open as many files you like)
mpd editing (basics -> add new, edit existing submodels)
extendable and customizable part bin.
extendable and customizable color picking bin.
Editing wise you can place, move, delete and rotate parts

It's all running on OpenGL and it's very fast (if I may say so myself Smile), e.g. you could edit thousands of bricks in real-time on decent hardware.

Current version is Windows only but it's 99% portable code so a Linux and or Apple version should become available at some point.

Hope I sparked your interest, if all goes well I expect to release the test version next week.

If you are interested let me know here (and or) email me at [email protected] ether way I will be needing a valid email address of you in order to send the software when the time comes.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
You know my address. Cheers.

LEGO ergo sum
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
I'd be keen to try it out.

Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Thanks Willy and Tim

I'll email you the program and information when the time is right. Tim should I use your lugnet posts email?

I'm currently doing a walk through / test run myself drawing 5580, things are going very well so I expect to release the test version soon.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
As this sounds very, very promising and I like to have an alternative to MLCad I really like to do testing.
Use the usually email please.

Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Yes. That is the right email address.

Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Thanks mike,

Ok it time I've just sent the first test version to the people who responded.

I'm still open for more people though.

I'm very keen on hearing people's thoughts.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
I currently run Ubuntu (Linux) exclusively, using MLCad via Wine. And while I generally like the program, there have always been a few deficiencies that have annoyed me (primarily my lack of complete control over the parts tree, especially the inability to create sub-folders and remove un-wanted folders from the "Other" category).

If you ever get a Linux version of this going, let me know, and I'd be more than happy to pitch in and do some testing.
I'm theJude! So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, his Judeness, or uh, Juder, or el Juderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor

It could take some time though, I'm still getting started in Linux development.

Also I'm sort of waiting / looking for virtual machine software that can handle true hardware accelerated OpenGL (last time I tried it was ridiculously slow) so I can work on Linux under Windows (for now, I'm still mostly a windows developer work wise).
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
On a related note, when you get to a point where you're ready to contemplate a Mac version, I'd be happy to help beta test and lend a hand with the port, to the extent that I can.

Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Sorry for the late reply, I somehow missed your post.

An apple version might be even further down the road, but it should be possible at some point. The biggest problem being me not currently owning an mac Smile

But when the time comes I will announce it here asap
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Please add me. I think you have my e-mail. it ends with mbox325.swipnet.se and begins with tore.eriksson and then there's only one more char to add to make a vaild e-dress.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
I've added you to the mailing list Tore,

I'm planning to release the 2nd test version this weekend, new testers are still welcome.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
I'll join the frey. Hopefully I'll be able to get my email onto my computer by this weekend...
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Ok, I've added you using the address you use on lugnet (without the spam stuff Smile )
Re: Testers needed for a new editor

I somehow missed this thread... I guess it's not too late to test it?
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Can I still join testing. I am curious.
Jaco van der Molen
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Hi Jaco,

I'm hoping to complete a public version next month or so, but you're still welcome offcourse.

I'll send you the latest (quite old though) test version tonight.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
I'm definitely keen as well - my addy should be in my profile. If not, it is techadv [at] alphacompanyforums [dot] com.
Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
I will send you the last alpha version later today.

It has some bugs that are resolved in the current dev version but it is still usable for test / review activities.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Thanks to all testers involved, I'm closing the alpha test phase for now.

I also completed the first beta code wise, so unless somebody among you has some (unreported) major issue I'm hoping to release the first public version this weekend.

Just need do some final test drawing myself (prob another model team set B) ) and create a small webpage / manual.
Re: Testers needed for a new editor
Great news, looking forward to working with it.
OS = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64bit)
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