74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?

74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
The number 74880 from http://www.digital-bricks.de/en/index.ph...ddp&mg=293 (please see also http://www.brickset.com/parts/search/?query=74880) seems to me to be an alias of:
Electric Light & Sound Brick 1 x 2 with Single Side Light
Name: 6035.dat

What do you think?
Re: 74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
No, 74880 is the real design number of Electric Light & Sound Brick 1 x 2 with Single Side Light. It's a shortcut, composed of 6034 (bottom part), 6036 (top part) and 6035, "insert" (some internal part?). Clearly some ~moved to are in needed here...
Re: 74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
I would say that this part is an assembly of 3 or more parts. The bottom part of this assembly is numbered 6035, the other numbers are unknown, because this part wasn't opened?! (looking in the content of 6035.dat brings the number 6034 to the daylight...)
So in my eyes 6035 is wrong. It should be 74880 (assembly number). Unfortunately I don't own such a lamp anymore...
I would suggest, that we use 74880 as an alias as long as this part is not modelled correctly.

Re: 74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
Do you own these parts and willing to make these parts up to date?
Otherwise I would go with this as an alias until the real parts are modelled correctly. By doing this we have the part number fixed and a relation to 6035.dat. In 74880.dat we can also leave a comment what needs to be done.

But best way is to make it right, just immediately Smile
Re: 74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
An alias works for me too, but if someone has the courage to cope with this one, I opened the lamp, and made close-up photos...
You can get them here!
And I confirm that 6034 is the bottom part, the only one with an engraved number. 6035 is the middle transparent part (lamp support + dome) and 6036 is top part.
Re: 74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
That's not an easy task, if we take this serious.
So I think I provide first of all an alias part with the necessary information.

Or is there somebody who like to take the ownership of the assembly at all Smile
Re: 74880 vs. 6035 - an alias ?
I have the same info and added that into the current version at Part Tracker.
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