
Hi, I just found Buf3D in Google's Play Store.

It seems to be a 3D viewer Android app capable of showing .ldr and .mpd files.

Haven't tried it yet, just watched its video.

Re: Buf3D
thanks for pointing this out. I tried it immediately and here is my result of a very quick test.
Well, it's not bad. The shader options aren't the best in my opinion. Nevertheless it is possible to download the official library and use the unofficial one in online mode.

I loaded 2 models: "car.dat" and the official file of "Cafe Corner".
Car.dat was loaded very quickly. The viewing quality is acceptable.
Cafe Corner was loaded in less than 20 seconds. While rotating the quality is very very low but after a short time it is quite good again.
I found one Problem with transparent parts: The faces which are there twice due to simply stacking bricks together are flickering. Maybe this will be solved in a later version?
It is possible to load models from different online sources and you can also load local files.

One bad point is that there is every time a small area with advertisement visible.

Tested with HTC One X (Android 4.2)

Re: Buf3D
Very interesting indeed. My wishes (at least I didn't found how to do these things):
- possibility to pre-download unofficial parts to use off-line
- support of step instructions and sub model selection in mpd.
Re: Buf3D
Hi Max and Steffen.

Buf3D is still in development and we are improving every day.
Referred to speed, is really spectacular on android 4.3, but for lower versions of android, the option to reduce the fps in Menu-> Options, enables better quality while rotating the model, but the speed is slower.

We are working on a future update that resolves transparencies and some problems loading LDraw models.

Best regards
Re: Buf3D
Good to see you here Anthony!
Any chance to see my wishes above implemented in the future?
Re: Buf3D
Hello Philippe.

We are focusing on the links database models to include the new models automatically and manage most viewed models.

Currently the information about steps are collected, but the display of parts is a challenge that it takes time for the design and implement of the necessary visual interface (navigation on parts of the model).

Referred to pre-download un-official library, if you consider an important aspect, we can try to implement it.
Re: Buf3D
Quote:Currently the information about steps are collected, but the display of parts is a challenge that it takes time for the design and implement of the necessary visual interface (navigation on parts of the model).
Yeah - I wondered too what would be a good user interface. I am a patient guy Wink
Quote:Referred to pre-download un-official library, if you consider an important aspect, we can try to implement it.
For me it is certainly (I use my tablet mostly off line) but I don't know for other people...
Re: Buf3D
Well, the download of unofficial files would safe some mobile data-traffic. Then I could load/update these files via WiFi and use the program more or less completely offline.

Re: Buf3D
Ok. We will find a simple and safe solution to download/update these files.
Re: Buf3D
Hi ldraw enthusiasts

Buf3D already supports the "Possibility to pre-download unofficial parts to use off-line"
It also incorporates some improvements.

The new version is 1.31008
Re: Buf3D
Hi Antonio,
It seems to work, but after I downloaded the unofficial parts, Buf3D still tried to download parts from LDraw website (I was online). But it seems to work fine when offline.
Otherwise, I had a strange color behavior on EV3 parts, the white color appears light grey (model downloaded from http://philohome.com/sort3r/sort3r-main.zip).
Re: Buf3D
Hi Philippe

We are looking for the error in the color. Our version for PC get the right color, so I hope to find the error quickly.
About online loading, if the online check remains active, always try to load online. Is correct.
Re: Buf3D
Quote:We are looking for the error in the color. Our version for PC get the right color, so I hope to find the error quickly.
Quote:About online loading, if the online check remains active, always try to load online. Is correct.
OK, makes sense since unofficial parts may change without notice...
Re: Buf3D
Hello Philippe.

The version 1.31010 displays the correct color.
We have included some improvements in loading speed.
Re: Buf3D
Is Buf3D able to parse the webpage
and show/enlist the models it points to?
Re: Buf3D
Yes Steffen, but I need time and I are about to travel outside Barcelona ... until next year!
Sorry. On January

If you have time and inclination, one only has to generate a list like this form:
[Directory], Link to the file

Forums.ldraw.org/Official_Models/TinyTurbos/, http://forums.ldraw.org/file.php?17,file...e=4947.ldr
Re: Buf3D
can some Admin please relocate this thread to
Re: Buf3D
Hello Steffen
The models are already parsed. You need to upgrade models on the menu (Eurobricks/OfficialSet).

And also, happy new year!!
RE: Buf3D
Sorry to dig up this old thread but I'm hopping that Antonio Cortés Carrillo will pick it up.

Since the organization of the libraries/website of LDraw, Buf3D can no longer download the online official and unofficial parts library. Probably because the path has changed and the URL to fetch it is hardcoded in the app.

I disregarded this because I had all the data already download. My hold phone died and I have a new one and unfortunately I was unable to backup the data folder.

Is there any chance to make the app work again on Android? I've purchased the app a long time ago and have been sending emails for support but got no reply.
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