![[Image: ldforge-win7.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66055976/ldforge/ldforge-win7.png)
You guys cannot possibly comprehend how painful it was to get this built under Windows... Qt only added proper OpenGL w/ MinGW builds in a 5.1.0 beta - with what LDForge wouldn't run at all since the GL stuff took right out and crashed... so I had to take the hard route out and compile Qt on Windows. It took me three days in a row to figure this all out and building Qt alone took 2.5 hours.. but it works! .. about time. I was about to lose hope.
I've also fixed the issue with drawing and in the alpha it should be able to draw in all 6 cameras. I also took and added support for external programs so you can launch Philo's utilities we all know and love without having to switch the window and overlays to assist in getting geometry from part images.
At this point I just need to rebuild Qt again (the debug dlls I got are bout 500 megs...), clean up a few small things, package the dlls in and then tag the 0.1 alpha. With luck it should be up today or tomorrow.