Philippe Hurbain Wrote:I used LDForge to sort out lines/condlines when creating these hair parts but when I imported the meshes some triangles (one or two per mesh) were dropped out by LDForge, leaving a hole.Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with studies and all, but now I got that stuff out of the way and I'm going to graduate later today.

There turned out to actually be a rather glaring bug in 0.2 which causes every 300th line to be skipped. I've patched this for 0.3 which I hope to put out soon, before Christmas hopefully.
EDIT: actually screw it, I'll hotfix it.
Philippe Hurbain Wrote:Otherwise, one feature I'd like (and which shouldn't be too difficult to implement) is a hide/unhide condlines button...I could slip this in.