(2017-04-15, 6:48)Michael Heidemann Wrote: This is a bugfix version.
You can download the tool as always from http://ldraw.heidemann.org/index.php?page=datheader
Bug of the day:
* Datheader is unable to handle the new part type Flexible_Section http://www.ldraw.org/article/398.html#AppendixV
0 ~Animal Clam Bottom
0 Name: 30218k01.dat
0 Author: Willy Tschager [Holly-Wood]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Flexible_Section
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt
removes the entire line on load and consequently reports: ERROR Part type is not set. HOLD
LEGO ergo sum