I would like to try that scene, I''ll contact you shortly.
Very interesting blog post, although I'm not that deep into OpenGL and shaders it gave me some nice pointers to try with the LDCad renderer. I too have an VBO per 'core' brick. which is drawn using drawelements per brick reference. I also do some additional grouping / sorting to limit the state changes though. I can tell you that the flat shading with the unique vertex normal pairs is about 15-20% faster (unique testing is a option in LDCad), almost the same amount as the vertex reduction, confirming the point you making in your text. Although I always use drawelements even when there are no duplicate pairs (haven't tried using drawarrays when the option is disabled yet).
Anyway the main reason I want to try a non fixed approach is to supply nicer lighting (per pixel) and or (better) noticeable differences between rubber, metal and plain plastic. I'm also hoping it would allow for better bfc/culling handling (flipping normals in the shader, to account for submodel mirroring etc) like you suggest on the blog.
It would be a bonus if it's faster too Everything will remain optional anyway because LDCad renders on OpenGL as low as 1.1 and I would like to keep it that way.
Ben Supnik Wrote:Re: performance, I found a few things with Bricksmith:
* A shader-based pipeline wasn't faster than fixed-function for the same basic work.
* CPU time is proportional to the number of bricks, not the number of vertices.
* When using the programmable pipeline and instancing techniques, BrickSmith is vertex-count bound, not CPU bound. It's not even close -- even with culling and transparent part sorting, I see CPU use of 15-25% while maxed out on fps with 30-40k parts. In this case the interesting number isn't the part count but the vertex count those parts yield. This is with a 4870 - a newer GPU would help the vertex-count bottleneck.
I wrote this up when I finished some perf measurements...
Very interesting blog post, although I'm not that deep into OpenGL and shaders it gave me some nice pointers to try with the LDCad renderer. I too have an VBO per 'core' brick. which is drawn using drawelements per brick reference. I also do some additional grouping / sorting to limit the state changes though. I can tell you that the flat shading with the unique vertex normal pairs is about 15-20% faster (unique testing is a option in LDCad), almost the same amount as the vertex reduction, confirming the point you making in your text. Although I always use drawelements even when there are no duplicate pairs (haven't tried using drawarrays when the option is disabled yet).
Anyway the main reason I want to try a non fixed approach is to supply nicer lighting (per pixel) and or (better) noticeable differences between rubber, metal and plain plastic. I'm also hoping it would allow for better bfc/culling handling (flipping normals in the shader, to account for submodel mirroring etc) like you suggest on the blog.
It would be a bonus if it's faster too Everything will remain optional anyway because LDCad renders on OpenGL as low as 1.1 and I would like to keep it that way.