I used this code to create pattern for torso. Then scaled width to 450. Hight scaled automaticly. My workspace in Illustrator is 450 x 380 pixels. So no you can scale this pattern.
2 4 -12 0 -10 12 0 -10
2 4 12 0 -10 14.345 2 -10
2 4 14.345 2 -10 19 29 -10
2 4 19 29 -10 19 32 -10
2 4 -19 32 -10 19 32 -10
2 4 -12 0 -10 -14.345 2 -10
2 4 -14.345 2 -10 -19 29 -10
2 4 -19 29 -10 -19 32 -10