That could be a great help. I highly doubt the resulting file will be all triangles, but getting rid of the Bézier curves would certainly help. And if it switches the files from "paths" to polygons, it would help a huge amount, since parsing the paths is a royal pain. (Paths are an arbitrarily long list of commands, such as "moveto", "lineto", "bezier curve to", "close path", etc. all joined together.) Closed paths make filled shapes. Unclosed paths can make edges. They seem to be the hardest thing to handle in the SVG file, but in the Darth Vader torso file, they make up most of the geometry (certainly over half). And they have truly evil formatting. For example, all of the following are ways to represent a single 2D coordinate at (10, -10):
10 -10
(That's right, a negative number doesn't require any separator from the previous number other than the minus sign. Is that evil, or what?)
10 -10
(That's right, a negative number doesn't require any separator from the previous number other than the minus sign. Is that evil, or what?)