6991 (reflective foil) stickers?

6991 (reflective foil) stickers?
How would you represent the background of the 6991 stickers (sheet 168285) in LDraw? The BL entry makes it look like a mosaic pattern, but it's actually a multi-faceted reflective foil effect, with hundreds of tiny square/circular reflectors "printed" on it.

Hard to show in photos, but here's an overview: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/xzcAAOSwR...-l1600.jpg

Obvious workaround would be large areas of, say, chrome silver, but that's not terribly accurate at showing the true texture, nor the randomized reflectorization of the many facets. But it might be the closest thing we have.
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6991 (reflective foil) stickers? - by N. W. Perry - 2023-08-03, 1:21

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