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6991 (reflective foil) stickers? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 6991 (reflective foil) stickers? (/thread-27623.html)

6991 (reflective foil) stickers? - N. W. Perry - 2023-08-03

How would you represent the background of the 6991 stickers (sheet 168285) in LDraw? The BL entry makes it look like a mosaic pattern, but it's actually a multi-faceted reflective foil effect, with hundreds of tiny square/circular reflectors "printed" on it.

Hard to show in photos, but here's an overview: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/xzcAAOSwRgpiubK3/s-l1600.jpg

Obvious workaround would be large areas of, say, chrome silver, but that's not terribly accurate at showing the true texture, nor the randomized reflectorization of the many facets. But it might be the closest thing we have.

RE: 6991 (reflective foil) stickers? - Magnus Forsberg - 2023-08-03

The closest thing I can think of is 170909a and maybe s13a. But they are both "bending the rules" in my opinion.

170909a has some user configurable top surface triangles.
s13a is a print on a magnetic tin foil, but is made transparent in our library. IMHO it should be changed.
It's possible to use 383, Chrome silver on a stickers like these. And there are lot of "mirror" stickers using colour 383.

Another example is s12a-s12d, but that is a print on a heat sensitive, colour changing material.

I like the surface of 170909 when it is coloured chrome silver, a mix of greys, met. silver and chrome, but the "pattern" is nothing like the pattern you need for 6991.

RE: 6991 (reflective foil) stickers? - N. W. Perry - 2023-08-04

(2023-08-03, 9:00)Magnus Forsberg Wrote:  like the surface of 170909 when it is coloured chrome silver, a mix of greys, met. silver and chrome, but the "pattern" is nothing like the pattern you need for 6991.

Yeah, the thing with 6991 is that the pattern seems to be a uniform color, except that each facet has a different "angle of iridescence" (if that's a thing). I wondered if there's a way to somehow invert the individual geometries so that they reflect on different orientations, maybe? But I guess that depends on how different programs handle the rendering of shiny materials.