LDCad Aligning parts using rotation scripts

RE: Aligning parts using rotation scripts
6. Installation

The Lua scripts which provide the logic to achieve the part rotation are available for anyone to download (the original download has been superceded - use this link instead use the version 4 download) and use.

Assuming you have downloaded and extracted the scripts from the zip file, the suggested installation process is as follows;
  1. If you are currently running LDCad, exit the program,
  2. Locate the directory in which LDCad is installed. This will likely be something like C:\Program Files\LDCAD. Next, navigate to the sub-directory called scripts.
  3. If you do not have a sub-directory named custom within the scripts sub-directory, create it.
  4. Navigate to the custom sub-directory.
  5. If you do not have sub-directories within custom named global and modules, create any that are required.
  6. Place the script named align parts.lua into the global sub-directory. Place the script named compound_rotation.lua into the modules sub-directory.
  7. When you next start LDCad, under the Scripts menu item, you should see a new menu item named align parts within the list of global modules.

2024-04-02 If you are using LDCad beta 1.7, the scripts will need to be installed into the directory "%APPDATA%\LDCad\scripts\custom"
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RE: Aligning parts using rotation scripts - by David Manley - 2021-12-16, 8:55

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