Re: 30485pb01 Windscreen 8 x 6 x 3 Curved Top Angled Canopy Pattern, how to finish?
2012-03-23, 13:42
2012-03-23, 13:42
Philippe \Philo\" Hurbain Wrote:I wouldn't create the 3rd subpart, but use the primitive-based elements directly in main part. This can be discussed, as it introduces some T-junctions, but here it's imho a small price to pay.
Attached what I would do (that doesn't mean I am right .
- moved condlines to their matching subparts.
- corrected the wrongly colored triangle in s01.
- s02 also had the lower right part that was BFC inverted (lines 155..223).
- The edge lines between conical front and cylindrical back was forgotten (it was not present in my "template"...). Restored it. As it was not present when you recreated condlines with edger2, Edger2 did create condlines there that were not needed. Deleted these condlines.
Name is wrong too, M. F. doesn't mean anything to the non-initiated. Unfortunately I was not able to coin a better name, submit as-is and ask for suggestion.
I'm the noob around here, so I'll leave that to the experts. ;-)