Hi Nic,
If you want to use LDraw parts not supported by Studio, you need to place them in CustomParts folder of Studio.
Many other people asked for the possibility of using Duplo parts in Studio, so I created this parts pack (including connectivity): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A1gE522bMrcER3hYjqd0CLbGPrvSlvoE
To use it, unzip it and place its contents in your C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\Stud.io . Duplo parts will then be available in Custom Parts palette of Studio. More details on custom parts in Studio forum: http://forum.bricklink.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=965&p=2615&hilit=customparts&sid=a0487a9d7213c77248f4ce56001e5072#p2615
- Many Duplo parts are missing here (and are not available in LDraw library anyway, though since I made this pack, a lot more Duplo parts were creted in Ldraw, but I have not yet updated the pack).
- Studio doesn't provide specific connectivity for Duplo, so I had to make do with simple stud or axle connexions.
- Compatibility with regular LEGO is limited (you can place bricks over Duplo, but Duplo on bricks doesn't position correctly and generate collisions).
- Some parts create unwanted collisions, eg. Duplo wheel on axle. Problem is that Studio part designer generate collision data automatically, I have no control on this. Turn collision detection off when this happens.
If you want to use LDraw parts not supported by Studio, you need to place them in CustomParts folder of Studio.
Many other people asked for the possibility of using Duplo parts in Studio, so I created this parts pack (including connectivity): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A1gE522bMrcER3hYjqd0CLbGPrvSlvoE
To use it, unzip it and place its contents in your C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\Stud.io . Duplo parts will then be available in Custom Parts palette of Studio. More details on custom parts in Studio forum: http://forum.bricklink.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=965&p=2615&hilit=customparts&sid=a0487a9d7213c77248f4ce56001e5072#p2615
- Many Duplo parts are missing here (and are not available in LDraw library anyway, though since I made this pack, a lot more Duplo parts were creted in Ldraw, but I have not yet updated the pack).
- Studio doesn't provide specific connectivity for Duplo, so I had to make do with simple stud or axle connexions.
- Compatibility with regular LEGO is limited (you can place bricks over Duplo, but Duplo on bricks doesn't position correctly and generate collisions).
- Some parts create unwanted collisions, eg. Duplo wheel on axle. Problem is that Studio part designer generate collision data automatically, I have no control on this. Turn collision detection off when this happens.