Okay let's see how it can be solved:
Quote:The sticker is a 0.25 LDU thin box (or whatever shape sticker is in), oriented such that the top face is at -0.25 Y and parallel with the X-Z plane. The pattern is on the top face; the other (five) sides of the box correspond to main background colour of the sticker pattern (i.e. the predominant colour of the pattern at its edges). If there isn't a predominant colour at the edges of the sticker, the actual colour of the sticker material should be used instead (usually white).
Quote:The sticker is a 0.25 LDU thin box (or whatever shape sticker is in), without any linetypes 2 (edgelines) and coloured with main color 16. The sticker is oriented such that the top face is at -0.25 Y and parallel with the X-Z plane. The pattern with the hardcoded colours is on the top face.
Quote:The sticker pattern is modelled by real colour; they are not modifiable from the outside. All printed colour of the pattern must be matched. Mimicking a colour by blending in the background colour of the part underneath using colour 16 is not allowed. Colour 16 is exclusively allowed for a transparent portion of the pattern, so that the sticker can be attached to any color parts and still blend in. Since edges are forbidden in sticker parts, colour 24 is not allowed.
Quote:The sticker pattern is modelled by real colour; they are not modifiable from the outside. All printed colour of the pattern must be matched. Mimicking a colour by blending in the background colour of the part underneath using colour 16 is not allowed. Since edges are forbidden in sticker parts, colour 24 is not allowed.
LEGO ergo sum