(2018-08-28, 18:49)Knud Ahrnell Albrechtsen Wrote: I tried replacing this section from the above includes to down just before this line:No LDCad uses macros for colors while LDView/LGEO uses individually defined colors.
#ifndef (LDXColor494) // Electric Contact Alloy
that seems to correct the difference in the colors.
Could I put this in the colors.pov file - would that work??
You can use the non macro way in LDCad but it will need some high level POVRay 'magic'.
I think the main reason of the difference is the fact the LDView export uses LGEO which comes with its own color defs while LDCad uses the RGB colors as supplied in the LDConfig.ldr file.
Also LDCad's pov export was designed mainly for animations so I sacrificed quality over rendering speed at some points.
If anyone with deeper knowledge of LGEO inner workings know the basic differences and point them out to me I could make an alternative colors.pov implementing it.