Well, Mittelhochdeutsch, the German spoken in the middle age sounds like Dutch - which implies that Dutch hasn't evolved for 700 years. ROFL.
LEGO ergo sum
Messages In This Thread |
LDCad Tutorial in german? - by Johann Eisner - 2018-02-26, 19:21
RE: LDCad Tutorial in german? - by Roland Melkert - 2018-02-26, 19:36
RE: LDCad Tutorial in german? - by Johann Eisner - 2018-02-26, 19:50
RE: LDCad Tutorial in german? - by Johann Eisner - 2018-02-26, 20:55
RE: LDCad Tutorial in german? - by Roland Melkert - 2018-02-26, 22:12
RE: LDCad Tutorial in german? - by Willy Tschager - 2018-02-27, 10:02