LPUB3D problems

RE: LPUB3D problems

I have the same problem Knud experienced.  Using POV for rendering in LPub3D 2.0.19 generates the same "Failed to set render options" error message he reported, when asked to render an LDR file containing a single steering pulley piece.  

POV-Ray 3.7 by itself can render its example woodbox.pov fine.  And both Stud.io and LDCad 1.6 Beta 1a can call POV and successfully render that one piece steering pulley LDR file.  Only LPub3D fails.

Looking at the earliest fail point in the LPub3D log file, it reports that it cannot find the steering pulley 3736.dat in the LDR file, and very helpfully reports exactly where it is looking.  But 3736.dat is clearly in the complete.zip file being examined.  See screenshot below.

Trevor suggested to Knud that the Preference for "Ldraw Root Directory" shouldn't be in the Program Files folder, even though the AIOI put it there.  I think the confusion is over the word "Root," and whether it really means "Part Library."  I tried setting the LPub3D preference to the LDraw folder containing the part library, and there was no change to the failure reported in the log file.

Any and all ideas are welcome for solving this problem.  I haven't figured out how to attach thumb size images, they are full size in this edit mode, and it looks like I'll have to post again to get the last two files, <sigh>


Attached are:
csi.ldr.pov — POV temp file generated during failed LPub3D session
OneSinglePiece.pov — Successful POV generated by LDCad
NotFound.png — Log report 3736 not found
3736dat.png — 3736.dat does exist in complete.zip
Messages.png — POV-Ray failure messages
LDView.png — LDView render and POV-Ray path
LPub3D-GeneralPref.png — LPub3D General Preferences
POV-script.png — Successful POV settings using LDCad
Stud.io.png — Successful POV settings using Stud.io

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.ldr   OneSinglePiece.ldr (Size: 141 bytes / Downloads: 1)
.pov   csi.ldr.pov (Size: 43.08 KB / Downloads: 0)
.pov   OneSinglePiece.pov (Size: 122.57 KB / Downloads: 1)
.png   3736dat.png (Size: 8.38 KB / Downloads: 93)
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Messages In This Thread
LPUB3D problems - by Knud Ahrnell Albrechtsen - 2015-10-05, 10:53
Re: LPUB3D problems - by Trevor Sandy - 2015-10-05, 11:35
Re: LPUB3D problems - by Trevor Sandy - 2015-10-06, 11:01
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-01-08, 21:54
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-01-08, 21:56
RE: LPUB3D problems - by David Manley - 2017-01-09, 23:59
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-01-11, 0:19
RE: LPUB3D problems - by David Manley - 2017-02-03, 6:18
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-02-03, 16:59

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