Roland Melkert Wrote:I believe this is possible to do because LDCad already has all functions we need to combine. This is my idea as an example:Milan Vančura Wrote:* let the user to choose the snap point (e.g. a center + axis of SNAP_CYL) as an origin of coordinates for part rotationHow would you think choosing which connection to use should work in such a case?
* let the user to turn on (temporarily) the snap function while moving or rotating the part using keyboard
Start with a selection. When user presses a hotkey (newly defined) LDCad shows a mark for each snap position in a similar way it already does - a function "show snap points (F11)". Just use a mark shape which shows the orientation of that snap as well - something like a little pyramid pointing to the direction of the snap object axis (SNAP_CYL etc.). Then user can click on such pyramid and local grid is set according to that.
Thanks to the LDCad design, the above is enough and we do not need anything like "a hinge mode" etc. Only what the user needs to be able to do is to find&select the local coordination system.