Thanks for the information Knud,
I requested the information to better reproduce your issue.
For the model (.mpd/.ldr) file, you don't have to send a full model file. For example, you could create a test file as long as it's producing the issue you are reporting. One scenario where the .ldr file could help is if you are referencing a part that may be causing POV-Ray to abnormal end.
In summary, when the LPub3D renderer is set to POV-Ray, it sends a command arguments to L3P which generate .pov files.
Here is an example of LPub3D's L3P command used to generage a step's csi .pov file:
"C:\Program Files\LPub3D\3rdParty\l3p1.4WinB\L3P.EXE" -ca0.01 -cg0.0,0.0,3116890 -ld -lgeo -lgdC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw\lgeo -car0.772727 -o -lddC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw "-q4 -sw2" C:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\tmp\csi.ldr C:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\tmp\CSILDR~1.POV
You can find the current model page csi and pli .pov files under <model folder>/LPub/tmp
LPub3D then sends a command argument to POV-Ray with the appropriate parameters including the path to the .pov file.
If you do not have .pov files in the location above, then LPub3D is not generating then in your environment. The .pov file is very important to troubleshooting any POV-Ray abnormal responses.
Here is an example of LPub3D's POV-Ray command used to render a step's csi:
Rendering using command line '+IC:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\tmp\CSILDR~1.POV
+OC:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\assem\6964-mainmodel_1_0_0_0_1_0_0_0_1_6_1275_150_DPCM_1.png +W1275 +H1650 +UA
+LC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw\lgeo\lg +LC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw\lgeo\ar +A'.
I requested the information to better reproduce your issue.
For the model (.mpd/.ldr) file, you don't have to send a full model file. For example, you could create a test file as long as it's producing the issue you are reporting. One scenario where the .ldr file could help is if you are referencing a part that may be causing POV-Ray to abnormal end.
In summary, when the LPub3D renderer is set to POV-Ray, it sends a command arguments to L3P which generate .pov files.
Here is an example of LPub3D's L3P command used to generage a step's csi .pov file:
"C:\Program Files\LPub3D\3rdParty\l3p1.4WinB\L3P.EXE" -ca0.01 -cg0.0,0.0,3116890 -ld -lgeo -lgdC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw\lgeo -car0.772727 -o -lddC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw "-q4 -sw2" C:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\tmp\csi.ldr C:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\tmp\CSILDR~1.POV
You can find the current model page csi and pli .pov files under <model folder>/LPub/tmp
LPub3D then sends a command argument to POV-Ray with the appropriate parameters including the path to the .pov file.
If you do not have .pov files in the location above, then LPub3D is not generating then in your environment. The .pov file is very important to troubleshooting any POV-Ray abnormal responses.
Here is an example of LPub3D's POV-Ray command used to render a step's csi:
Rendering using command line '+IC:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\tmp\CSILDR~1.POV
+OC:\Users\Trevor\Desktop\LPub\6964-01\LPub\assem\6964-mainmodel_1_0_0_0_1_0_0_0_1_6_1275_150_DPCM_1.png +W1275 +H1650 +UA
+LC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw\lgeo\lg +LC:\Users\Trevor\LDraw\lgeo\ar +A'.