LPUB3D problems

LPUB3D problems

I have just installed LPUB3D and i have run into a couple problem with it.
The first is that when I change from standard document size to LEGAL and the orientation of the document is Landscape, the partlist stays in the middle of the page and I can't get it to move automatically to the upper left corner of the document.
How can I fix this, without having to move them all by hand ?

The other problem is when choosing POV-Ray as default editor.
POV-RAY complains about parsing commandline.
Any idea what to do about this - other than choosing another default renderer Smile
I have attached a screendump of the error.
I should be running the latest version of POV-Ray.


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Messages In This Thread
LPUB3D problems - by Knud Ahrnell Albrechtsen - 2015-10-05, 10:53
Re: LPUB3D problems - by Trevor Sandy - 2015-10-05, 11:35
Re: LPUB3D problems - by Trevor Sandy - 2015-10-06, 11:01
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-01-08, 21:54
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-01-08, 21:56
RE: LPUB3D problems - by David Manley - 2017-01-09, 23:59
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-01-11, 0:19
RE: LPUB3D problems - by David Manley - 2017-02-03, 6:18
RE: LPUB3D problems - by Walt White - 2017-02-03, 16:59

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