Try replacing the lg_elements.lst and lg_colors.lst files with the ones I've attached, add the -lgeo flag to the end of the command line, and run L3P again.
For instance:
The resulting POV-Ray scene will quit rendering when it gets to one of your color definitions. Here's a screenshot:
You might want to ask on the POV-Ray newsgroup if there's a workaround. Whatever that may be, it should be applied to the older LGEO files as well, because currently things are not being done consistently.
I solved the lg_tech_knob problem.
For instance:
"l3p.exe" "building_007_firecompany.ldr" "l3p_building_007_firecompany_lgeo.pov" -o -cg30,45,-50 -ca60 -lgeo -ar
You might want to ask on the POV-Ray newsgroup if there's a workaround. Whatever that may be, it should be applied to the older LGEO files as well, because currently things are not being done consistently.
I solved the lg_tech_knob problem.