Thanks for that feedback, perfectely what I needed.
122c01, 123c02 : I think I've changed the color cause I found le ldraw one was not metallick enough when rendered, I will change it back.
556: the shape was based on a very early ldraw part. Since it has been officially release I need to change the shape and make it better.
Studel: I will add it to the the package forgot that one.
973p66: if you redownload the xml file, you should have it.
122c01, 123c02 : I think I've changed the color cause I found le ldraw one was not metallick enough when rendered, I will change it back.
556: the shape was based on a very early ldraw part. Since it has been officially release I need to change the shape and make it better.
Studel: I will add it to the the package forgot that one.
973p66: if you redownload the xml file, you should have it.