Can someone give a try with it? Especially with part 2340 (make sure to redownload the Package as it now contains a mendatory file). Don't do this, it will mess with Owen file.
I will need to contact him to see if we can harmonize everything.
As a workaround, you can get rid of the L3LgeoToLDraw errors by adding this at the end of your file (just above the #end statement at the end of the file).
#declare L3LDrawToLgeo = transform { matrix <0,-LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0, 0,0,-LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24, -LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0,0, 0,0,4*LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24> }
#declare L3LgeoToLDraw = transform { matrix <0,0,-20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH, -20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH,0,0, 0,-24/LG_BRICK_HEIGHT,0, 0,0,0> }
Someone has a problem with Ldview using properly my LGEO.xml file on the Eurobricks forum and I can't figure out why.
Thanks a lot.
I will need to contact him to see if we can harmonize everything.
As a workaround, you can get rid of the L3LgeoToLDraw errors by adding this at the end of your file (just above the #end statement at the end of the file).
#declare L3LDrawToLgeo = transform { matrix <0,-LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0, 0,0,-LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24, -LG_BRICK_WIDTH/20,0,0, 0,0,4*LG_BRICK_HEIGHT/24> }
#declare L3LgeoToLDraw = transform { matrix <0,0,-20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH, -20/LG_BRICK_WIDTH,0,0, 0,-24/LG_BRICK_HEIGHT,0, 0,0,0> }
Someone has a problem with Ldview using properly my LGEO.xml file on the Eurobricks forum and I can't figure out why.
Thanks a lot.