I've looked into this a bit more and it turns out it's not a group matrix bug, it's event related. Nesting is fun but all the internal matrix stuff introduced rounding problems in my early alpha's after a couple of frames so I implemented caching etc. Problem is the current version only initializes this cache when the start event is used in your script. This is why my examples all work fine
Anyhow a workaround is very simple, just add a (dummy) start event handler. Here is your corrected script it should work on your existing model without problems now.
I also corrected for the non id placements. The next version won't need the workaround anymore.
Anyhow a workaround is very simple, just add a (dummy) start event handler. Here is your corrected script it should work on your existing model without problems now.
function register()
local ani=ldc.animation('42020-B')
ani:setEvent('frame', 'onFrame')
ani:setEvent('start', 'onStart')
function onStart()
--grp ori bug prevention
function onFrame()
local ani=ldc.animation.getCurrent()
local mainSf=ldc.subfile()
local ori=ldc.matrix()
local angle=720*ani:getFrameTime()/ani:getLength()
ori:set(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0) --group has non id main item
ori:mulRotateAB(angle, 1, 0, 0)
local ax2=mainSf:getGroup('TopRotor')
ori:set(0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0) --group has non id main item
ori:mulRotateAB(-angle, 0, 1, 0)
local ax3=mainSf:getGroup('TailRotor')
ori:setRotate(angle, 1, 0, 0)
I also corrected for the non id placements. The next version won't need the workaround anymore.