Because mpd is defined just as ldr files added into one large file it should work the same (ldr based or mpd based).
If not then the problem is in LPub.
Talking about MPDCenter:
To have the same structure than your ldr files, just open the first ldr file in MPDCenter.
Then use the "import unofficial files" menu command.
All your local files should be imported.
If you already has done it in this way - just ignore my last paragraph. The the problem is in LPub.
If not then the problem is in LPub.
Talking about MPDCenter:
To have the same structure than your ldr files, just open the first ldr file in MPDCenter.
Then use the "import unofficial files" menu command.
All your local files should be imported.
If you already has done it in this way - just ignore my last paragraph. The the problem is in LPub.