Great work!
I'd like to make a small comment on the naming of some of my vehicle models, just in case you haven't noticed. Many "gray" vehicles, for example vehicle_058_graybicyclewithrider.ldr , aren't really gray but rather "neutral" color 16. This I have done to be able to reuse the same model in different colors.
I'd like to make a small comment on the naming of some of my vehicle models, just in case you haven't noticed. Many "gray" vehicles, for example vehicle_058_graybicyclewithrider.ldr , aren't really gray but rather "neutral" color 16. This I have done to be able to reuse the same model in different colors.
1 22 -40 0 -20 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 vehicle_058_graybicyclewithrider.ldr
1 27 40 0 20 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 vehicle_058_graybicyclewithrider.ldr