LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available

LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
The 2023-03 LDraw Parts Update has been released. This update adds 539 new files to the core library, including 429 new parts and 6 new primitives.

Thanks are due to all the part authors who created or corrected parts for this release. The small, but dedicated, band of reviewers also play an important role in keeping files moving through the Parts Tracker and deserve just as much credit. This update wouldn't have been possible without their dedication and attention to detail.

I'm going to call this the Leg Update. We fixed the Minifig Leg parts and completed a massive effort to update all official files and obsolete the old ones. We then decided to go ahead and approve every Minifig Leg part on the tracker. This update include Minifig legs of all sizes and patterns.

You can preview the new parts in 2023-02 here, and download the zip-file update or Windows install package here.

This update also includes 2276 parts that have been updated to CC BY 4.0 . These files are included with only the license line updated (as opposed to the the normal process of updating the !LDRAW_ORG line and adding a !HISTORY statement)

Thank you to all the beta testers and parts authors who continue feedback for the new PT software. This project would not was it is without your help.

Orion Pobursky
LDraw.org Parts Library Admin
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
Lots of thanks to all authors, reviewers and admins to make this possible!
Jaco van der Molen
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-24, 10:45)Jaco van der Molen Wrote: Lots of thanks to all authors, reviewers and admins to make this possible!

Seconded  Smile
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-24, 3:04)Orion Pobursky Wrote: This update also includes 2276 parts that have been updated to CC BY 4.0 . These files are included with only the license line updated (as opposed to the the normal process of updating the !LDRAW_ORG line and adding a !HISTORY statement)

Thank you for this update! I can confirm that there was a massive improvement over the last release concerning the number of parts that are now released under CC-BY-4.0. Here is the situation as it was with the 2302 release. I sorted parts by popularity according to the rebrickable database of LEGO sets.
  • of the top 100 parts, 41 were not CC-BY-4.0, namely 3710, 54200, 3666, 2412b, 3623, 3622, 2420, 43093, 32062, 3437, 3460, 6636, 85984, 3713, 11477, 3034, 2357, 3700, 4519, 15068, 59900, 87580, 4162, 87087, 3008, 2877, 6091, 32054, 4477, 44728, 6536, 3705, 3749, 3011, 6541, 2540, 60897, 3832, 3037, 48336, 3701
  • after removing all parts and primitives that were not CC-BY-4.0, out of 23955 parts, only 4402 remain (18.38%)
  • after that removal, out of the top 100 parts, 98 were missing

The situation now with the 2303 release is this:
  • of the top 100 parts, 7 are not CC-BY-4.0, namely 3437, 87580, 87087, 32054, 44728, 3011, 48336
  • after removing all parts and primitives that were not CC-BY-4.0, out of 24488 parts, 9086 remain (37.10%)
  • after that removal, out of the top 100 parts, 38 are missing, namely: 3005, 2780, 98138, 3622, 4274, 3437, 6636, 3039, 3713, 4032a, 3660, 11477, 3665, 3700, 3941, 61332, 15068, 59900, 87580, 87087, 3008, 30136, 3673, 6091, 32028, 32054, 2654, 44728, 6536, 15712, 99780, 59443, 99207, 3011, 2540, 48336, 3701, 50950

Here is a list of top removal reasons sorted by how many parts are directly or indirectly blocked by it:

  p/4-4cylc.dat     3275
  p/1-4chrd.dat     2830
  p/1-8chrd.dat     2234
  p/box2-7.dat      1621
  p/48/1-4edge.dat  1267
  p/48/1-4cyli.dat  1063
  p/box4-4a.dat     990
  p/2-4cylc.dat     963
  p/box3u5p.dat     703
  p/3-16ndis.dat    661
  p/7-16cyli.dat    634
  p/box5-4a.dat     594

Maybe this table can help identify which bits can be looked at next to improve the situation for the following release. Thanks!

Also during my analysis I noticed that parts/54696p02c01.dat contains a reference to the non-existing 54696p02.dat. Maybe an oversight?
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-27, 7:13)Johannes Schauer Wrote: Also during my analysis I noticed that parts/54696p02c01.dat contains a reference to the non-existing 54696p02.dat. Maybe an oversight?

This means that, despite my best efforts, there's a bug in the code to prevent this from happening.  54696p02 exists but is still unofficial.
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.
I have still uneasy feelings of "breaking a leg" in the past (https://library.ldraw.org/official/7097).

However, I take it with a little bit of humour. I provide the tools and meanwhile broke a leg by accident...
When I did the measurements back in 2019, I was too naive by searching for the non-existing slope.
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
20460bp05.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Black Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp05.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Black Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp05.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Black Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp05.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Black Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp02.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Blue Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp02.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Blue Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp02.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Blue Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp02.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Blue Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp03.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Bright Light Orange Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp03.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Bright Light Orange Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp03.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Bright Light Orange Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp03.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Bright Light Orange Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp09.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Dark Blue Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp09.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Dark Blue Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp09.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Dark Blue Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp09.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Dark Blue Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp06.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Dark Brown Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp06.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Dark Brown Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp06.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Dark Brown Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp06.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Dark Brown Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp08.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Dark Green Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp08.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Dark Green Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp08.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Dark Green Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp08.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Dark Green Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp07.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Dark Red Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp07.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Dark Red Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp07.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Dark Red Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp07.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Dark Red Lower Leg Pattern


20460bp01.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Red Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bp01.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Red Lower Leg Pattern

20461bp01.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Red Lower Leg Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bp01.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Red Lower Leg Pattern


20460bpd92.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and White Feet Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bpd92.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and White Feet Pattern

20461bpd92.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and White Feet Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bpd92.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and White Feet Pattern


20460bpx3.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and Yellow Feet Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bpx3.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and Yellow Feet Pattern

20461bpx3.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and Yellow Feet Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bpx3.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Ruffles, Black Lower Leg and Yellow Feet Pattern


20460bpckc.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Wetsuit, Coral and Dark Azure Trim Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20460bpckc.dat - Minifig Leg Left Dual Mould with Wetsuit, Coral and Dark Azure Trim Pattern

20461bpckc.dat - Minifig Leg Rightwith Wetsuit, Coral and Dark Azure Trim Pattern

has to be renamed to:

20461bpckc.dat - Minifig Leg Right Dual Mould with Wetsuit, Coral and Dark Azure Trim Pattern


37366.dat - Minifig Leg Medium Left

has to be renamed to:

37366.dat - Minifig Leg Left Medium

37365.dat - Minifig Leg Medium Right

has to be renamed to:

37365.dat - Minifig Leg Right Medium


3817cp8i.dat - Minifig Leg Right with Reflective Stripe and Silver Triangles on Foot Pattern

has to be renamed to:

3817cp8i.dat - Minifig Leg Left with Reflective Stripe and Silver Triangles on Foot Pattern

LEGO ergo sum
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
I think we should instead remove Dual Mould. It is not used in any of the other minifig parts .
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
Regarding the legs:

The snap info for the new legs is missing in LDCad.
I think this could be:

0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=R 3 8] [pos=2 0 0] [ori=0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1]
0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=S 6 5.5] [pos=10 28 -1.2]
0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=R 6 4] [pos=10 18 8.75] [ori=1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0] [grid=1 2 0 20]

(dirived from the old one and adjusted to fit the new version)

We should add that info to 3817cs02 I think?

For the dual moulds add this to the upper part 20460bs04

0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=R 3 8] [pos=2 0 0] [ori=0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1]
0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=R 6 4] [pos=10 -2 8.75] [ori=1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0]

And this to the lower part 20460bs03

0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=S 6 5.5] [pos=10 28 -1.2]
0 !LDCAD SNAP_CYL [gender=F] [caps=one] [secs=R 6 4] [pos=10 18 8.75] [ori=1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0]

I am working through the special legs.
Jaco van der Molen
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-29, 11:45)Jaco van der Molen Wrote: Regarding the legs:

The snap info for the new legs is missing in LDCad.

No official part comes with LDCad snap info. We would have to adopt the LDcad's snap specs as we did for TEXMAP and the LSB would have to look over it before such data gets add to the library (directly into the parts or into a separate file).

LEGO ergo sum
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-29, 13:26)Willy Tschager Wrote: No official part comes with LDCad snap info. We would have to adopt the LDcad's snap specs as we did for TEXMAP and the LSB would have to look over it before such data gets add to the library (directly into the parts or into a separate file).


Sorry, I think you misunderstood or I did not make it clear.

I meant to add the snap info to files in the LDCadShadowLibrary Roland maintains for LDCad.
For the legs means to add for those submodels.

Not really add them to them in the library ofcourse.
Jaco van der Molen
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-29, 13:47)Jaco van der Molen Wrote: I meant to add the snap info to files in the LDCadShadowLibrary Roland maintains for LDCad.
For the legs means to add for those submodels.

Roland has a GitHub repo for the shadow library. You can send a pull request for the required modifications.
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-29, 14:34)Orion Pobursky Wrote: Roland has a GitHub repo for the shadow library. You can send a pull request for the required modifications.

I know and I did for some parts. I had contact with Ronald too.

However, this method is not really friendly and a lot of difficult work. For me.

What I am looking for is an easy way to contribute to it.
In LDCad it is rather simple to add connectivity snap info and save this info.
I use an unpacked version of the shadow lib local.

These file do not have the correct header. It would be so much easier if LDCad wrote files with the correct header.
I then could upload dozens of snap files I made.
Jaco van der Molen
RE: LDraw.org 2023-03 Parts Update Now Available
(2023-06-30, 13:59)Jaco van der Molen Wrote: However, this method is not really friendly and a lot of difficult work. For me.

The ability to send automated pull request from logged in users of the PT via a web interface is possible. Implementation will have to get in line with all my other long term library projects.
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