Parts we are Working on - Part Deux

Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
#1 the original thread spans now over seven years, I dare to open a new one. The old one is also taking quite some time to load...

So here I go:

New Train Parts:

- 38340 Wheel with Pin -> 26.12.: on the PT:
- 38339 Wheel Holder -> 26.12.: on the PT:

- Improvement of the old wheels (they are flat on the back not conical)
Brick rounded 3 x 3
I have completed the new air inlet of the X-Wing, the 3 x 3 Brick with a rounded edge. Though I did not find any Design-ID yet


Work is based on these Pictures:
60373 - Panel with Arches Tree
I am working on this as well, but I cannot find pictures from below...

EDIT: Found the information, including amazing fingernail colours in this video:


RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2019-12-17, 22:51)Gerald Lasser Wrote: the original thread spans now over seven years, I dare to open a new one. The old one is also taking quite some time to load...

So here I go:

New Train Parts:

- 38340 Wheel with Pin -> 26.12.: on the PT:
- 38339 Wheel Holder -> 26.12.: on the PT:

- Improvement of the old wheels (they are flat on the back not conical)

I put it as "Needs Work" due to the missing details on the back. I modeled them in the meantime, as they are fairly large, but do not really add value for their normal, intended use. See picture
I put them to 48 seg due to their size, I also need to submit the old reworked wheels to Chris
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux - Looking for a proper Name
I completed, 62500 and 65196, the books for the Disney Fairy Tale sets. Pending cleanup I am looking for a proper name.

Brickset calls them rather awkwardly:

65196: DESIGN PLATE, BOOK, W/4.85 HOLE, NO. 1
65200: DESIGN PLATE, BOOK, W/ 4.85 HOLE, NO. 2

Looking up Bricklink, there are similar purposed parts in the "Container" category.

What about:
65196: Container, Bookcover 16 x 12 x 2.5 with two Pinholes and Studs on Three Sides
65200: Container, Bookcover 16 x  6 x 1 with four Pinholes and 4 x 16 Studs and Embossed LEGO Logo

Have a look:
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
I’m current working on the solar panel parts from the new ISS set (21321) and the remaining 3 printed tiles in the Trafalgar Square set (2 1x1 tiles now also found in the Dots sets and the Cat painting). 

When I purchase the ISS I’ll do the remaining printed parts.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
Working on 52494 binoculars.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-02-24, 14:44)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Working on 52494 binoculars.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
Working on the Pizza/Melon Headgear, 45755*

  • The part is dual mold, but fused together, so two sxx parts will do, or any ideas on the numbering?
  • The part has a bit of "rounded" chamfer along the top and side edges , may be a radius of 0,5 LDU. Do you think it should be modeled?
Parts completed and on the PT!

RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-02-26, 8:48)Gerald Lasser Wrote: Working on the Pizza/Melon Headgear, 45755*

  • The part is dual mold, but fused together, so two sxx parts will do, or any ideas on the numbering?
  • The part has a bit of "rounded" chamfer along the top and side edges , may be a radius of 0,5 LDU. Do you think it should be modeled?

Sxx will do imho, any chamfer at that size would be overkill!
45706 - Trainfront
After figuring out today how to properly command Pathtruder to do what I want, I started a part I needed a long time ago.

This must have been available as a LDraw file somewhere, as this front was part of the Train-Poster. However, I could not locate it.

So here I start:
RE: 45706 - Trainfront
(2020-02-28, 23:19)Gerald Lasser Wrote: After figuring out today how to properly command Pathtruder to do what I want, I started a part I needed a long time ago.

This must have been available as a LDraw file somewhere, as this front was part of the Train-Poster. However, I could not locate it.

So here I start:

Finished the Train-Front, uploaded to the PT:

The light-prism is still a draft.
RE: 45706 - Trainfront
(2020-02-28, 23:19)Gerald Lasser Wrote: After figuring out today how to properly command Pathtruder to do what I want
Good news! Useful tool, but soooo tricky Wink . Standalone tool or through LDPE? (was never able to figure the use of LDPE version)
RE: 45706 - Trainfront
(2020-03-05, 6:01)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Good news! Useful tool, but soooo tricky Wink . Standalone tool or through LDPE? (was never able to figure the use of LDPE version)

Indeed tricky! I did "some" iterations. I used the LDPE version, though I really want to compare the results of both (which I did not do yet)
What puzzled me, was the y-divergence. I had both start and end-points at the same (whole LDU) level.

Somehow gravity kicked in and the vertices generated along the given points were sagging and I moved them up manually. I'll post a separate thread for this.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
Working on Dots wristband and gem parts!
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux - Rainbow Tiles
The Rainbow tiles are certified and there is one more that fits into this pattern, it is the 2 x 2 macaroni tile coming with the colourful Panda. 27925.

I tried to fitting the pattern with primitives, that worked out only in such a way that I had to use 2 Ring primitives for each colour.

When doing so, there is a slight misalignment of the colours by 0.4 LDU, which is barely noticeable (at least I tell myself)

What do you think?

PS: I think LDView PrimSubstitution is not working on prims that use "RING" AND anything larger than "9", see also in the pitcure what RING12 does (all others are called RIN1x)

RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux - Rainbow Tiles
(2020-03-25, 13:28)Gerald Lasser Wrote: When doing so, there is a slight misalignment of the colours by 0.4 LDU, which is barely noticeable (at least I tell myself)
What do you think?
 Can't see that causing any problem on your image! Have you posted the part somewhere?
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux - Rainbow Tiles
(2020-03-25, 14:17)Philippe Hurbain Wrote:  Can't see that causing any problem on your image! Have you posted the part somewhere?

sorry, here's the part:
1 353 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin20.dat
1 353 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin19.dat
1 14 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin18.dat
1 14 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin17.dat
1 3 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin16.dat
1 3 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin15.dat
1 321 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin14.dat
1 321 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin13.dat
1 30 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4ring12.dat
1 30 -9 0 9 1.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1.8 48\1-4rin11.dat
3 16 -9 0 -28.8 -9 0 -27 -10 0 -30
3 16 -10 0 -30 -9 0 -27 -9 0 -25.2
3 16 -10 0 -30 -9 0 -25.2 -9 0 -23.4
3 16 -10 0 -30 -9 0 -23.4 -9 0 -21.6
3 16 -10 0 -30 -9 0 -21.6 -9 0 -19.8
3 16 -10 0 -30 -9 0 -19.8 -9 0 -18
3 16 -10 0 -30 -9 0 -18 -10 0 -10
3 16 -10 0 -10 -9 0 -18 -9 0 -16.2
3 16 -10 0 -10 -9 0 -16.2 -9 0 -14.4
3 16 -10 0 -10 -9 0 -14.4 -9 0 -12.6
3 16 -10 0 -10 -9 0 -12.6 -9 0 -10.8
4 16 -9 0 -28.8 -10 0 -30 -4.78 0 -29.656 -4.0671 0 -28.47492
4 16 -4.0671 0 -28.47492 -4.78 0 -29.656 .352 0 -28.636 .78264 0 -27.51102
4 16 .78264 0 -27.51102 .352 0 -28.636 5.308 0 -26.956 5.46606 0 -25.92342
4 16 9.9 0 -23.7348 5.46606 0 -25.92342 5.308 0 -26.956 10 0 -24.64
4 16 14.01264 0 -20.99052 9.9 0 -23.7348 10 0 -24.64 14.35046 0 -21.73413
4 16 17.72838 0 -17.72838 14.01264 0 -20.99052 14.35046 0 -21.73413 18.282350009 0 -18.283481452
4 16 20.99052 0 -14.01264 17.72838 0 -17.72838 18.282350009 0 -18.283481452 21.732902158 0 -14.350097119
4 16 23.7348 0 -9.9 20.99052 0 -14.01264 21.732902158 0 -14.350097119 24.64 0 -10
4 16 25.92342 0 -5.46606 23.7348 0 -9.9 24.64 0 -10 26.956 0 -5.308
4 16 27.51102 0 -.78264 25.92342 0 -5.46606 26.956 0 -5.308 28.636 0 -.352
4 16 28.636 0 -.352 29.656 0 4.78 28.47492 0 4.0671 27.51102 0 -.78264
4 16 28.8 0 9 28.47492 0 4.0671 29.656 0 4.78 30 0 10
4 16 -6.4161 0 -10.62972 -3.87576 0 -10.12482 -2.346 0 -8.478 -10 0 -10
4 16 -3.87576 0 -10.12482 -1.42254 0 -9.29322 .9 0 -8.1468 -2.346 0 -8.478
4 16 .9 0 -8.1468 3.05424 0 -6.70932 4.142 0 -4.142 -2.346 0 -8.478
4 16 4.142 0 -4.142 3.05424 0 -6.70932 5.00058 0 -5.00058 6.70932 0 -3.05424
4 16 4.142 0 -4.142 6.70932 0 -3.05424 8.1468 0 -.9 8.478 0 2.346
4 16 8.478 0 2.346 8.1468 0 -.9 9.29322 0 1.42254 10.12482 0 3.87576
3 16 10.8 0 9 10 0 10 10.62972 0 6.4161
3 16 -10 0 -10 -9 0 -10.8 -6.4161 0 -10.62972
3 16 27 0 9 28.8 0 9 30 0 10
3 16 27 0 9 30 0 10 25.2 0 9
3 16 25.2 0 9 30 0 10 23.4 0 9
3 16 23.4 0 9 30 0 10 21.6 0 9
3 16 21.6 0 9 30 0 10 19.8 0 9
3 16 19.8 0 9 30 0 10 10 0 10
3 16 19.8 0 9 10 0 10 18 0 9
3 16 18 0 9 10 0 10 16.2 0 9
3 16 16.2 0 9 10 0 10 14.4 0 9
3 16 14.4 0 9 10 0 10 12.6 0 9
3 16 12.6 0 9 10 0 10 10.8 0 9
4 16 8.478 0 2.346 10.12482 0 3.87576 10.62972 0 6.4161 10 0 10
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux - Rainbow Tiles
(2020-03-25, 13:28)Gerald Lasser Wrote: PS: I think LDView PrimSubstitution is not working on prims that use "RING" AND anything larger than "9", see also in the pitcure what RING12 does (all others are called RIN1x)
Yeah, should be reported to Travis...

Otherwise, looks good. I would use a 1-4tang primitive on inside for substitution (and possibly some thin chrds on the outside)
RE: Parts we are Working on - Dimensions RFID Bricks
The main parts are already on the PT, I changed (not uploaded) 18602 and 18605 as the innards are different.

Concerning the parts itself, I am the opinion that the origin is wrong, as the studs are not at y=0

I also made the RFID/NFC tag and before I upload it I want to get your opinion:

- The foil is pretty thin, to right now I modeled it as 0,2 LDU
- The foil is nearly transparent, so doing it colour 47 would be OK in the shortcuts
- The circuitry i.e. the antenna I did as if it would be a print, with colour 80 (Metallic Silver)

concerning the numbering, 18604 would fit in nicely, but I will ask Chris for a code.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Dimensions RFID Bricks
(2020-04-03, 11:37)Gerald Lasser Wrote: - The circuitry i.e. the antenna I did as if it would be a print, with colour 80 (Metallic Silver)

Why not use code 494 - Electric_Contact_Alloy ?
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
I got my hands now on part 49949 (Cylinder 6 x 10 x 4 1/3 with Open Sides and Pin Holes)

Edit: 22nd April, up at the Parts Tracker

[Image: 49949.png]

To get the primitive substitution working on the thin large curved section I made a hi-res tangetnial prim (1-16tang) which works nice. I would like to have others like this as well, like 5-48tang, but for those LDView is not handling them as it does with the 1-16.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
I intend to have a look at Boat Hull Giant Bow 40 x 20 x 7, but I'm missing part number... Brickset lists assembly as 20033, and Bricklink as 18913c01. Anybody knows if 18913 is top or bottom? and number of the other one?
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-16, 16:39)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: I intend to have a look at Boat Hull Giant Bow 40 x 20 x 7

That hull is already done.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-16, 20:07)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: That hull is already done.
I must have mistyped the number... Thanks Magnus!
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-16, 16:39)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: I intend to have a look at Boat Hull Giant Bow 40 x 20 x 7, but I'm missing part number... Brickset lists assembly as 20033, and Bricklink as 18913c01. Anybody knows if 18913 is top or bottom? and number of the other one?
Top is 18912 and bottom 18913
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux


How do I describe this part? Is it a Brick, Torso, or a Suit?
Where should the origin be? I want to place it as the same as 973.dat have.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-25, 22:06)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: 37191

How do I describe this part? Is it a Brick, Torso, or a Suit?
Where should the origin be? I want to place it as the same as 973.dat have.

I'd say that since the arms connect to it that it is a torso. As far as the origin, use your best judgement.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
I was working on 2436c (new type of 1x4 / 1 x2 bracket) only to have Magnus discover that 28802 (same element but named after the new Bricklink name) had been submitted after I checked the day before:

Now the question is. 2436c is the naming that Bricklink used unti recently, but they have now changed to 28802. Should we just silently forget the 2436c name or have it as an alias? The 28802 part submitted by Cheenzo has a better triangulation than the one I have submitted, so it should clearly be the one to use.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-25, 22:44)Lasse Deleuran Wrote: I was working on 2436c (new type of 1x4 / 1 x2 bracket) only to have Magnus discover that 28802 (same element but named after the new Bricklink name) had been submitted after I checked the day before:

Now the question is. 2436c is the naming that Bricklink used unti recently, but they have now changed to 28802. Should we just silently forget the 2436c name or have it as an alias? The 28802 part submitted by Cheenzo has a better triangulation than the one I have submitted, so it should clearly be the one to use.

Sorry we both worked on the same part. Actually I checked as well before starting working on it.

Regarding the choice of 28802, I referred to Rebrickable where I saw that Lego used 28802 too:
I think having [color=#333333][size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]2436c as an alias makes sense.[/font][/size][/color]
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-25, 22:11)Orion Pobursky Wrote: I'd say that since the arms connect to it that it is a torso. As far as the origin, use your best judgement.
To me it's clearly a torso and should behave as such (origin, orientation, naming...). Looks like even arms orientation remain compatible with regular torso?
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-25, 22:44)Lasse Deleuran Wrote: Now the question is. 2436c is the naming that Bricklink used unti recently, but they have now changed to 28802. Should we just silently forget the 2436c name or have it as an alias? The 28802 part submitted by Cheenzo has a better triangulation than the one I have submitted, so it should clearly be the one to use.
Whenever it's available, we use LEGO design number, so no alias. Possibly, could use 2436 as keyword...
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-26, 5:25)Vincent Messenet Wrote: Sorry we both worked on the same part. Actually I checked as well before starting working on it.

Regarding the choice of 28802, I referred to Rebrickable where I saw that Lego used 28802 too:
I think having [color=#333333][size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]2436c as an alias makes sense.[/font][/size][/color]
No reason to apologise. Having worked with the part and compared to your version, I actually learned something.

Bricklink has their own version of 2436c.dat which ships with Studio. This is what caused me to look into this part in the first place. Their version lacks edge lines, so I strongly suggest they also use your version instead.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
I got some of the Minion heads and I am working on them:

If anybody is aware of the design ID, you are welcome :-)
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-26, 14:20)Gerald Lasser Wrote: I got some of the Minion heads and I am working on them:

If anybody is aware of the design ID, you are welcome :-)
According to, they are 68986 and 69101
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-27, 6:48)Yu Zhang Wrote: According to, they are 68986 and 69101

Thanks! I tried to find them there as well, but didn't spot them!
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-27, 6:48)Yu Zhang Wrote: According to, they are 68986 and 69101

No, that is the number of the design/pattern. Not the shape of the part.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-27, 10:13)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: No, that is the number of the design/pattern. Not the shape of the part.

Aren't element IDs normally 6 digits?
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-27, 13:20)Orion Pobursky Wrote: Aren't element IDs normally 6 digits?

Well, it depends.
Older parts that have a 4 digit partnumber get a 6 digit elementID.
A red 2x4 brick have the elementID 300121. Brick shape 3001 + lego code for red 21 = 300121

All new parts have a 7 digit elementID.

A designID is used on both parts, printed parts and multicoloured parts.

At Brickset. Look at the Minion arm in set 75551.
All the arms have the same DesignID, 67908 even though they're all different in colour. Hence, 69708 is a partnumber.

The three different bodies have different number, even though they have the same shape.
68995, Blue overall, black feet.
69036, Hazmat suit, yellow feet.
69042, Blue pyjamas, white feet.
These numbers are not the shape. It is the number of three differently designed "pattern" on dual/tripple moulded parts.

The three different heads also have different numbers.
68968, Bob
69061, Kevin
69101, Stuart
Look at them closely, they are all dual-moulded and printed. Hence, this is not the number of the shape. It is the number of the design.
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
That's far more explaination than I expected but I learned something so it was beneficial. Thanks ?
RE: Parts we are Working on - Part Deux
(2020-05-27, 10:13)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: No, that is the number of the design/pattern. Not the shape of the part.
Thank you for mention this. I just forget it could not be the number of shape of the part. But then, I was looking for some data at Brickset and I found lego IDs of lots of printed parts are different from their IDs of shape of the parts except body part. i.e. 76382 of upper body.
Minion Progress!
Getting along well!

RE: Minion Progress!
(2020-05-28, 20:10)Gerald Lasser Wrote: Getting along well!

RE: Minion Progress!
(2020-05-28, 20:10)Gerald Lasser Wrote: Getting along well!

Big Grin Big Grin  Nice!
Mario plates
Working on Mario plates with rounded corners!
Ducati Panigale, tubes and seaweed
I thought I posted it already but can't find it again...
When I receive the parts, I intend to work on Ducati Panigale tyre, shock absorber and brake disk.
...and also 49736/49737 tubes, and 49577 seaweed/coral
RE: Ducati Panigale, tubes and seaweed
(2020-06-16, 14:51)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: I thought I posted it already but can't find it again...
When I receive the parts, I intend to work on Ducati Panigale tyre, shock absorber and brake disk.
...and also 49736/49737 tubes, and 49577 seaweed/coral

The disc brake is already done:
RE: Ducati Panigale, tubes and seaweed
(2020-06-16, 15:19)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: The disc brake is already done:
Oh thanks, Magnus, I missed it (confused with the other disk brake).
RE: Ducati Panigale, tubes and seaweed
(2020-06-16, 14:51)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: I thought I posted it already but can't find it again...
When I receive the parts, I intend to work on Ducati Panigale tyre, shock absorber and brake disk.
...and also 49736/49737 tubes, and 49577 seaweed/coral

I have got the shock-absorber as well, already disassembled.
Unfortunately I did not find a way to remove the top (LBG) axle-holder without damaging it. So I cautiously cut it away :-) I can finish this one if you do not want to break yours :-)

The 65143 is nearly done, I can upload it

For the seaweed I have a draft done, I can share if you want.

The Ducati tyres look very similar to the existing ones (not working on them). The main difference is that the tread is a bit rounder than the first edition

[Image: 50013291176_03a221077e_c.jpg]New Lego Shockabsorber by 1wave, on Flickr

[Image: 50013553877_e5db6193e0_c.jpg]New Lego Shockabsorber by 1wave, on Flickr
RE: Ducati Panigale, tubes and seaweed
(2020-06-16, 17:13)Gerald Lasser Wrote: I have got the shock-absorber as well, already disassembled.
Unfortunately I did not find a way to remove the top (LBG) axle-holder without damaging it. So I cautiously cut it away :-) I can finish this one if you do not want to break yours :-)

The 65143 is nearly done, I can upload it
I am fine with it if you complete the shock absorber! Or I can step in and make the subparts that you don't want to do - as you want!

Quote:For the seaweed I have a draft done, I can share if you want.

Yes please!
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