New Contributor's Agreement

New Contributor's Agreement
The Steering Committee has approved a new Contributor's Agreement:
Quote:By submitting work ("the Work") to The LDraw Organization (""), the submitter ("the Author"), agrees to release the Work under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License ("CC BY 4.0") (or future versions at the discretion of the Library Administrator) or, at the Author's option, to the public domain via the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication ("CC0"). The Author can decide to change the chosen license from CC BY 4.0 to CC0. A decision to change licenses will affect all related Works from the Author. The decision to use the CC0 license is permanent and cannot be changed. All edits to the Work will be covered by the license chosen by the Author of the Work.

The human readable and legal text of the CC BY 4.0 license can be found at this link:

The human readable and legal text of the CC0 license can be found at this link::

This changes allows an author to release their parts to the public domain via the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.  The CC BY 4.0 license will remain the default option.

To accept this change, simply log into the forums and visit the Library ( and click on the link in the top of the page. If you are logged into the forums and do not see the yellow alert box at the top of the page on the Library site, please let Orion know so that this issue can be resolved.

Currently the library software is not set up to allow an author to elect the CC0 license. This feature will be announced once it has been implemented.
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