Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy

Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
The following change is effective immediately:

Shortcuts of parts that are produced and packaged as one assembly are allowed in the library. In addition, all sticker shortcut for a given sticker sheet and set are allowed.

For assemblies, the position/rotation of the parts in the shortcut file must exactly match the uncoloured assembly shortcut. If there is no uncoloured assembly, one must be authored and certified before any additional shortcuts of that type are certified. The file name for the additional assemblies must be <base file name>pCC©/XXXX (per the pattern file spec). All other rules for patterned parts apply.

For sticker shortcuts, the flat sticker rule is rescinded. All other rules apply.

For both types: until a new approval process is established, these parts are eligible for Fast Track by Fast Track authorized users.

The specs will be updated shortly with these rule changes.
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
The rule of thumb says that the sticker should be uncoloured in a sticker shortcut, but that leads to a very bad situation when the sticker is applied on a transparent (sub)part.

  • The backside of the uncoloured sticker, is also coloured red, on the red coloured door.
  • The sticker on the grey door is hardcoded trans_sticker in the shortcut.

We need to pick a good practice here.

I think we should.
allow opaque sticker to have a coloured (white) backside if placed on a transparent (sub)part, 
and to have transparent stickers hard coded Trans_sticker.
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-05-29, 16:26)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: I think we should.
allow opaque sticker to have a coloured (white) backside if placed on a transparent (sub)part, 
and to have transparent stickers hard coded Trans_sticker.

I agree with this recommendation and approve for standard practice.
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-05-12, 18:25)Orion Pobursky Wrote: For both types: until a new approval process is established, these parts are eligible for Fast Track by Fast Track authorized users.

which parts are that for example? only shortcuts/stickers where all parts are already certified?
which users can fasttrack? can they fasttrack their own new parts?
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-01, 15:09)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: which parts are that for example? only shortcuts/stickers where all parts are already certified?
which users can fasttrack? can they fasttrack their own new parts?

Only Associate Admins (and above) can Fast Track. Admins to the have ability to FT their own parts.

For sticker shortcuts Fast Track is authorized if the sticker(s) and the base part are official or in a certified status.
For assemblies, Fast Track is authorized if the uncoloured assembly shortcut and all component parts are official or in a certified status.
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-05-30, 14:52)Orion Pobursky Wrote: I agree with this recommendation and approve for standard practice.

A Note to hard coded Trans-Sticker, 10047, Unfortunately studio does not cater for this colour yet, it gets nearly black. Hopefully they could adapt this...
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-01, 23:28)Gerald Lasser Wrote: A Note to hard coded Trans-Sticker, 10047, Unfortunately studio does not cater for this colour yet, it gets nearly black. Hopefully they could adapt this...

I added it as a custom color in the definition txt file:
10047    12    10047    10047    Trans-Sticker    Trans-Clear    Trans-Sticker    Trans-Sticker    #FFFFFF    0.0625    Transparent Colors    -1    to_bl,to_ldd            Transparent Colors
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
They can be standards compliant or not. I'm not interested in catering to programs that don't properly implement the standards.
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-02, 1:47)N. W. Perry Wrote: I added it as a custom color in the definition txt file:
10047    12    10047    10047    Trans-Sticker    Trans-Clear    Trans-Sticker    Trans-Sticker    #FFFFFF    0.0625    Transparent Colors    -1    to_bl,to_ldd            Transparent Colors

What's the name of that file and where is it stored?
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-02, 6:30)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: What's the name of that file and where is it stored?

Well, on the Mac its pathname is this (substituting your own username obviously):

I don't remember the Windows equivalent, but I'll note that the CustomColors folder is located alongside the CustomParts directory that we often use.

It is not the /data/CustomColors directory located inside the main program folder, nor the loose CustomColorDefinition.txt located alongside that… (Why so many??)
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-02, 19:34)N. W. Perry Wrote: It is not the /data/CustomColors directory located inside the main program folder, nor the loose CustomColorDefinition.txt located alongside that… (Why so many??)

Poor development Sad
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-02, 19:34)N. W. Perry Wrote: Well, on the Mac its pathname is this (substituting your own username obviously):

I don't remember the Windows equivalent, but I'll note that the CustomColors folder is located alongside the CustomParts directory that we often use.

It is not the /data/CustomColors directory located inside the main program folder, nor the loose CustomColorDefinition.txt located alongside that… (Why so many??)

Windows one is "C:\ProgramData\Studio\CustomColors"

Tl;dr on why it is like it is: Studio devs aren't the best at keeping their shit together, and during implementation of the custom colors they had to switch the folder several times to avoid some system problems with, iirc, non-ASCII user path names or smth like that
RE: Change to assembly and sticker shortcut policy
(2024-06-02, 2:24)Orion Pobursky Wrote: They can be standards compliant or not. I'm not interested in catering to programs that don't properly implement the standards.

Studio is a really sad case of this. Like, as a building software, it is borderline perfect for an average user (worst stuff you can run into are not so stable major releases and occasional iffy shading). But their approach to the core LDraw standard is very sad, since, if they had someone who had actually cared about it, I'm sure it could've been used properly, yet we are where we are
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