Edge Lines export bug in LDView 4.5
2024-03-13, 21:03
(This post was last modified: 2024-03-13, 23:24 by Steffen.)

Hello Travis,
I just tried out the "export edge lines to POVRay" feature of LDView 4.5.
It sadly is broken: it outputs a syntactically invalid *.pov file because the generated file contains a stray "#end".
Here is the output I got, the line I tagged with "SYNTAX ERROR" is wrong.
I also noticed that logic for the switch LDXSkipEdges is wrong:
it currently is:
but IMHO should be
I just tried out the "export edge lines to POVRay" feature of LDView 4.5.
It sadly is broken: it outputs a syntactically invalid *.pov file because the generated file contains a stray "#end".
Here is the output I got, the line I tagged with "SYNTAX ERROR" is wrong.
I also noticed that logic for the switch LDXSkipEdges is wrong:
it currently is:
#if (LDXSkipEdges = 0)
object { LDXEdges }
object { LDXConditionalEdges }
#if (LDXSkipEdges = 0)
object { LDXEdges }
object { LDXConditionalEdges }
// Generated By: LDView 4.5 Copyright (C) 2023 Travis Cobbs & Peter Bartfai
// See: https://tcobbs.github.io/ldview/
// Date: Wed Mar 13 21:52:16 2024
// Input LDraw File: Scene08_LampsOnly.ldr
// LDraw File Author: Steffen [Steffen]
// This file was automatically generated from an LDraw file by the program
// LDView. See comments above for further details.
#version 3.7;
#if (version >= 3.7) global_settings {assumed_gamma 1} #end
#ifndef (LDXQual) #declare LDXQual = 3; #end // Quality (0 = Bounding Box; 1 = No Refraction; 2 = Normal; 3 = Stud Logos)
#ifndef (LDXSW) #declare LDXSW = 0.5; #end // Seam Width (0 for no seams)
#ifndef (LDXStuds) #declare LDXStuds = 1; #end // Show studs? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
#ifndef (LDXRefls) #declare LDXRefls = 1; #end // Reflections? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
#ifndef (LDXShads) #declare LDXShads = 1; #end // Shadows? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
#ifndef (LDXBackground) #declare LDXBackground = 0; #end // Include Background? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
#ifndef (LDXFloor) #declare LDXFloor = 1; #end // Include Floor? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
#ifndef (LDXSkipEdges) #declare LDXSkipEdges = 0; #end // Skip Edges? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
// Model bounds information
#ifndef (LDXMinX) #declare LDXMinX = -2919.150391; #end
#ifndef (LDXMinY) #declare LDXMinY = -352; #end
#ifndef (LDXMinZ) #declare LDXMinZ = -714; #end
#ifndef (LDXMaxX) #declare LDXMaxX = 640; #end
#ifndef (LDXMaxY) #declare LDXMaxY = 0; #end
#ifndef (LDXMaxZ) #declare LDXMaxZ = 480; #end
#ifndef (LDXCenterX) #declare LDXCenterX = -1139.575195; #end
#ifndef (LDXCenterY) #declare LDXCenterY = -176; #end
#ifndef (LDXCenterZ) #declare LDXCenterZ = -117; #end
#ifndef (LDXCenter) #declare LDXCenter = <LDXCenterX,LDXCenterY,LDXCenterZ>; #end
#ifndef (LDXRadius) #declare LDXRadius = 1866.839233; #end
// Camera settings
#ifndef (LDXCameraLoc) #declare LDXCameraLoc = < -284.332825,-710.17334,1593.536865 >; #end // Camera Location vector
#ifndef (LDXCameraLookAt) #declare LDXCameraLookAt = < -613.04332069237375435478,-437.92073246263100827491,-121.79954383964582120825 >; #end // Camera look-at point vector
#ifndef (LDXCameraSky) #declare LDXCameraSky = < -0.02898788877173105044,-0.98806765261576068315,-0.15126802755023333047 >; #end // Camera sky vector (<0,-1,0> will usually work for standard "up")
#ifndef (LDXCameraAngle) #declare LDXCameraAngle = 72.734352; #end
#ifndef (LDXCameraAspect) #declare LDXCameraAspect = 16/9; #end
#ifndef (LDXCameraTransform) #declare LDXCameraTransform = transform {}; #end
#ifndef (LDXFloorLoc) #declare LDXFloorLoc = LDXMaxY; #end // Floor location. (Dependent on floor axis; MAX_Y is bottom of model)
#ifndef (LDXFloorAxis) #declare LDXFloorAxis = y; #end // Floor axis (x, y, or z)
#ifndef (LDXFloorR) #declare LDXFloorR = 0.8; #end // Floor Red
#ifndef (LDXFloorG) #declare LDXFloorG = 0.8; #end // Floor Green
#ifndef (LDXFloorB) #declare LDXFloorB = 0.8; #end // Floor Blue
#ifndef (LDXFloorAmb) #declare LDXFloorAmb = 0.4; #end // Floor Ambient
#ifndef (LDXFloorDif) #declare LDXFloorDif = 0.4; #end // Floor Diffuse
#ifndef (LDXAmb) #declare LDXAmb = 0.4; #end
#ifndef (LDXDif) #declare LDXDif = 0.4; #end
#ifndef (LDXRefl) #declare LDXRefl = 0.08; #end
#ifndef (LDXPhong) #declare LDXPhong = 0.5; #end
#ifndef (LDXPhongS) #declare LDXPhongS = 40; #end
#ifndef (LDXTRefl) #declare LDXTRefl = 0.2; #end
#ifndef (LDXTFilt) #declare LDXTFilt = 0.85; #end
#ifndef (LDXIoR) #declare LDXIoR = 1.25; #end
#ifndef (LDXRubberRefl) #declare LDXRubberRefl = 0; #end
#ifndef (LDXRubberPhong) #declare LDXRubberPhong = 0.1; #end
#ifndef (LDXRubberPhongS) #declare LDXRubberPhongS = 10; #end
#ifndef (LDXChromeRefl) #declare LDXChromeRefl = 0.85; #end
#ifndef (LDXChromeBril) #declare LDXChromeBril = 5; #end
#ifndef (LDXChromeSpec) #declare LDXChromeSpec = 0.8; #end
#ifndef (LDXChromeRough) #declare LDXChromeRough = 0.01; #end
#ifndef (LDXOpaqueNormal) #declare LDXOpaqueNormal = normal { bumps 0.001 scale 0.5 }; #end
#ifndef (LDXTransNormal) #declare LDXTransNormal = normal { bumps 0.001 scale 0.5 }; #end
#ifndef (LDXIPov) #declare LDXIPov = 1; #end // Use inline POV code from LDraw file? (1 = YES; 0 = NO)
#ifndef (LDXEdgeRad) #declare LDXEdgeRad = 0.15; #end
#ifndef (LDXEdgeR) #declare LDXEdgeR = 0.0; #end
#ifndef (LDXEdgeG) #declare LDXEdgeG = 0.0; #end
#ifndef (LDXEdgeB) #declare LDXEdgeB = 0.0; #end
#ifndef (LDXBgR) #declare LDXBgR = 0.972549; #end // Background Red
#ifndef (LDXBgG) #declare LDXBgG = 0.972549; #end // Background Green
#ifndef (LDXBgB) #declare LDXBgB = 0.870588; #end // Background Blue
#include "C:\LEGO\playbox\scenes\LDView_Preamble.inc"
// Camera
#ifndef (LDXSkipCamera)
camera {
location LDXCameraLoc
sky LDXCameraSky
right LDXCameraAspect * < -1,0,0 >
look_at LDXCameraLookAt
angle LDXCameraAngle
transform {LDXCameraTransform}
// Lights
#ifndef (LDXSkipLight1)
light_source { // Latitude,Longitude: 45,0,LDXRadius*2
<0*LDXRadius,-1.414214*LDXRadius,-1.414214*LDXRadius> + LDXCenter
color rgb <1,1,1>
#ifndef (LDXSkipLight2)
light_source { // Latitude,Longitude: 30,120,LDXRadius*2
<1.5*LDXRadius,-1*LDXRadius,0.866026*LDXRadius> + LDXCenter
color rgb <1,1,1>
#ifndef (LDXSkipLight3)
light_source { // Latitude,Longitude: 60,-120,LDXRadius*2
<-0.866025*LDXRadius,-1.732051*LDXRadius,0.5*LDXRadius> + LDXCenter
color rgb <1,1,1>
#macro LDXSeamMatrix(Width, Height, Depth, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ)
#local aw = 0;
#local ah = 0;
#local ad = 0;
#local ax = 0;
#local ay = 0;
#local az = 0;
#if (Width != 0)
#local aw = 1-LDXSW/Width;
#if (Height != 0)
#local ah = 1-LDXSW/Height;
#if (Depth != 0)
#local ad = 1-LDXSW/Depth;
#if (Width != 0 & CenterX != 0)
#local ax = LDXSW/(Width / CenterX);
#if (Height != 0 & CenterY != 0)
#local ay = LDXSW/(Height / CenterY);
#if (Depth != 0 & CenterZ != 0)
#local az = LDXSW/(Depth / CenterZ);
#if (aw <= 0)
#local aw = 1;
#local ax = 0;
#if (ah <= 0)
#local ah = 1;
#local ay = 0;
#if (ad <= 0)
#local ad = 1;
#local az = 0;
matrix <aw,0,0,0,ah,0,0,0,ad,ax,ay,az>
#if (LDXBackground != 0)
#if (version >= 3.7)
background { color srgb <LDXBgR,LDXBgG,LDXBgB> }
background { color rgb <LDXBgR,LDXBgG,LDXBgB> }
#macro EdgeLine(Point1, Point2, Color)
object {
#if (Point1.x != Point2.x | Point1.y != Point2.y | Point1.z != Point2.z)
merge {
cylinder {
sphere {
sphere {
sphere {
material { Color }
#ifndef (EdgeColor)
#declare EdgeColor = material {
texture {
#if (version >= 3.7)
pigment { srgbf <LDXEdgeR,LDXEdgeG,LDXEdgeB,0> }
pigment { rgbf <LDXEdgeR,LDXEdgeG,LDXEdgeB,0> }
finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }