Recently to learn fusion 360, I used lego models to train with this models
Fusion360 is free for learning an can be used during 3 years with only a email address like Maya, 3dsmax,...
My fusion 360 models
I'm using the tutorials of DK to build my first parts and models.
DK made lot of pieces in .IPT format (inventor) format. IPT Part numbers follow Bricklink convention.
Maybe someone with python or java skill could make a script to translate .ldr instructions into instructions to build
models using a fusion360 shared library ?
A fusion360 or inventor assembly is series of components with coordinate, rotation, colors like in a LDR models.
A series of script can import nut, screw in .STL format from a online tools dealer for example.
I think it's possible to parse a .ldr file and translate *.dat from it to .ipt files or fusion360 library component.
With an organized shared library (convention name, scale,...) like ldraw library but for CAD programs (*.IPT files for example) a script could replace the <piece1025.dat> of a ldr file by a <piece1025.ipt>
For example
Ldr file :
colour x y z a b c d e f g h i piece1025.dat
Fictive fusion script :
Insert <piece1025.ipt>
coordinate x y z
Transform a b c d e f g h I
Insert piece9990.ipt
coordinate .......
So with the help of a develloper it could be possible in fusion360 to load and ldr file, translate the instruction for fusion, insert the good piece at the right place and finally construct the model
Example script for fusion :
It's just an idea
Fusion360 is free for learning an can be used during 3 years with only a email address like Maya, 3dsmax,...
My fusion 360 models
I'm using the tutorials of DK to build my first parts and models.
DK made lot of pieces in .IPT format (inventor) format. IPT Part numbers follow Bricklink convention.
Maybe someone with python or java skill could make a script to translate .ldr instructions into instructions to build
models using a fusion360 shared library ?
A fusion360 or inventor assembly is series of components with coordinate, rotation, colors like in a LDR models.
A series of script can import nut, screw in .STL format from a online tools dealer for example.
I think it's possible to parse a .ldr file and translate *.dat from it to .ipt files or fusion360 library component.
With an organized shared library (convention name, scale,...) like ldraw library but for CAD programs (*.IPT files for example) a script could replace the <piece1025.dat> of a ldr file by a <piece1025.ipt>
For example
Ldr file :
colour x y z a b c d e f g h i piece1025.dat
Fictive fusion script :
Insert <piece1025.ipt>
coordinate x y z
Transform a b c d e f g h I
Insert piece9990.ipt
coordinate .......
So with the help of a develloper it could be possible in fusion360 to load and ldr file, translate the instruction for fusion, insert the good piece at the right place and finally construct the model
Example script for fusion :
It's just an idea