Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225

Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
I'm trying to find the files for 64225 (Peeron link). There is a similar part already in LDraw (part 47753), that's 4x4. I'm looking for the 4x3. Peeron has a rendered image for it, so I'm sure someone's made one, just don't know where to find it.
I'm also looking for the foldable box/playset base (Peeron link). Peeron doesn't have that one rendered yet. And for the ramp from the Bridge Chase set (Peeron link).
I'm trying to make the cars and sets from the Tiny Turbos line. I'd love to see more stickers, but I totally understand the issues involved in making those. :-)
Thanks in advance for anything anyone can do to help me with these.
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
That fact that 64225 is rendered (as opposed to a picture) on Peeron says to me that it's probably already available (since Peeron's renders come from the LDraw library) but for some reason I can't find it. Maybe we released under a different number?
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
The peeron image http://media.peeron.com/pics/inv/custpic...219137.jpg was not generated from LDraw.org. This is the same location as where peeron part photos are stored.

Renderings of the official parts are all in http://media.peeron.com/ldraw/images/47/, so it seems an LDraw version has not been created yet.

Chris (LDraw Parts Library Admin)
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
Hmm. There where did that rendering come from I wonder?
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
From Ldraw, but it must be a custom part never shared with the community.
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
It's good to see that I'm not the only one confused here. :-)
Just wondering if anyone had uncovered where the .dat file for 45179 is found at.
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
> Just wondering if anyone had uncovered where the
> .dat file for 45179 is found at.
You mean 64225 I guess? I'm working on this one...
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
64225 is now available on Parts Tracker Wink
[Image: 64225.png]
Re: Looking for parts 45179, 64699 and 64225
Do'h! Yeah, that was what I meant. Thanks for uploading it, Philo. Now, if anyone's considered tackling the other two pieces would be great. Big Grin
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