Jaco van der Molen Wrote:Mattia Zamboni Wrote:3) in the menu which appears when right clicking on the main page the first top choice now is "Change page background". I personally preferred it before when it was "Add next step", just because I guess this command to be more often used overall. (I might be wrong though)
Good point. I was have trouble adjusting to that too. I am so used to right click and pick the first option for adding steps.
Mattia Zamboni Wrote:New possible features:
1) Currently when you click on an step image the cursor moves to the corresponding location on the right commands list, which is great. It would be useful if the same would happen when while clicking on a line of code the corresponding instruction image would get highlighted.
2) Rotation steps: Not sure whether it is just me, but when it comes to rotation steps I happen to more or less always use the same angles of vision. (example: 25 50 0 ABS). In my view it would be very convenient to have some buttons to generate these standard rotsteps with just a click. (customzable in the prefs?) Additionally it could help to have buttons to rotate by +/- 90° each axis on the currently selected rotstep. Just throwing ideas out there :-)
3)When I generate BIs I find myself often going back and forth from and to MLCAD to fix small issues, like an inaccurate bricks positions, or a wrong brick color.
In this sense it would be great to have the ability to change the color directly in LPub. Of course this can already be done by typing the color code, but it would be more convenient to have a table with the colors and just have to click on the proper one.
When it comes to brick position also here it would be great to be able to adjust the position of bricks back and forth up and down and so forth by just clicking on some buttons which makes them move by standard distances like 1 plate in height and 1/2 brick in x,y. (or custom configurable in the prefs)
I also like to move bricks temporarily to generate more clear instructions (For this there is a specific Ldraw instruction, but I find too cumbersome and time consuming to use). I personally indeed export everything to PNG and combine instructions in Photoshop.
4) possibility to add extra custom arrows? This is something I personally do not need, but somebody might find useful.
I like all 4 ideas.
Specially number 4! Vector arrows would be so nice.
I gave this some thought: right clicking on an assembly image should have the option "Add arrow" (just like a callout).
A standard black arrow of some length and line thickness should be generated then.
Click this arrow will show 2 handles (like with the callout arrows) to manipulate the start and end point of the arrow.
Right-clicking the arrow must allow to change color, line width (and type since this is in now) and size of arrowhead.
It would be more awesome to add corners to arrows (callouts) or even curved arrows.
Point 3: Since I turned to LDCad as my favorite editor I think both LDCad and LPub3D should be made aware of eachother changing a file.
I think LDCad already does this: change a file in say a texteditor and returning to LDCad prompts it has detected changes and gives the option to reload. Make this vice versa and you could easily switch back and forth from your editor and LPub3D.
Personally I think LPub3D should remain a layout tool and not and LDraw editor.
Pont 2: This could be done with the Leocad editor? Though I have never used it.
Hey Jaco, glad to hear you share some of my ideas.
When it comes to layout tool vs Ldraw editor I think that generally speaking having some redundancy doesn't hurt, so that everyone can choose to use the tool he prefers.
As an example Steps and Rotation steps -being purely instructions related- to me should belong more to the layout tool rather than the editor, but I don't mind having it in MLCAD as well.
Personally my (dream!) vision of the future LPub would be to have a powerful tool that starting from a model would allow to generate instructions almost from scratch. Is this possible? I don't know, mostly because it would probably require a quicker render response... but it would be surely very convenient.
An additional idea I had for LPub3D would be that when you move the mouse over the code on a specific line, to have the thumbnail of a part pop up when you mouse hover. This way if you need to shift a piece to a different step you can immediately recognize it. Of course having it highlight on the instruction page would be even better, but with the current solution requiring a manual refresh it is not feasible.
When you generate instructions for a physical printed book your space is defined. Sometimes you need to compress things in order to avoid generating a phone book(!), sometimes you need to expand them to fill nicely the page and avoid a new chapter to start on an odd page. For this reason there is a lot of back and forth to be done to add/remove/tweak steps.
That's the whole point of having a more powerful Layout tool.
I hope everyone understands that I am just doing a brainstorming here, since I feel that currently that's the most valuable contribution I can give to LPub. But it is of course up to you guys to comment whether my inputs make any sense and eventually to Trevor to decide which ones (if any) to implement :-)
Thanks a lot.
- Mattia