it is not a problem for my application to strip off unnecessary information from a text file, even if you name it .ldr, .mpd or what else, especially if the required information for my application are in the first 2 fields.
The only "important" thing is to choose a common field separator: I'm using the <TAB> character for this.
Also the process could easily be a step by step trying to include in the management most commonly used parts before and adding the other at a second time...
Now the file format is totally your choice. IMPO a simple text file could be more indicated since it does not contains information about parts definition or model, but it is a "system" file for the application.
As I experimented (please nobody upset reading the following: it is just my experience up to now), it is quite difficult that someone apart you (or me, if we are going to work together on it, and maybe Phil Urbain ) are going to maintain the information in this file
Just for information, the wheel/tyre positioning is nearly always at coords 0,0,0 so the work to include them in your program is quite easy.
it is not a problem for my application to strip off unnecessary information from a text file, even if you name it .ldr, .mpd or what else, especially if the required information for my application are in the first 2 fields.
The only "important" thing is to choose a common field separator: I'm using the <TAB> character for this.
Also the process could easily be a step by step trying to include in the management most commonly used parts before and adding the other at a second time...
Now the file format is totally your choice. IMPO a simple text file could be more indicated since it does not contains information about parts definition or model, but it is a "system" file for the application.
As I experimented (please nobody upset reading the following: it is just my experience up to now), it is quite difficult that someone apart you (or me, if we are going to work together on it, and maybe Phil Urbain ) are going to maintain the information in this file
Just for information, the wheel/tyre positioning is nearly always at coords 0,0,0 so the work to include them in your program is quite easy.