I built a website to generate LDraw code using AI!

I built a website to generate LDraw code using AI!
Hey All,

Over the last two weeks I have been working on a website to generate LDraw code and render it on the web using AI. I wanted to thank this community for all the resources and documentation that I needed to get it working!

The website it called https://brickgenerator.com/

It is still a total work in progress and gives less than ideal results, but sometimes is pretty clever!

How to use:
1. Enter text of what you want to generate
2. Wait a really long time lol (Working to make it faster but takes around a minute)
3. See Ldraw code and a rendered model (Unless you get an error.... oh the errors Sick )
4. Share your designs with others! Examples: Poop emoji & Donald Trump?! 

Please let me know your feedback and share your designs so I can see the issues or the cool things you can generate!

Also, if you feel so inclined to upvote me on product hunt, it would be greatly appreciated! 


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I built a website to generate LDraw code using AI! - by Bob Sterling - 2024-02-08, 17:41

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