LDView povray export

LDView povray export
Here are some things I suggest for LDView's povray export. They all make things easier when using an external file to set variables, which I do often. I.e. I will create a "wrapper" file that is used in common by several scenes.

1. Precede all variable declarations with #IFNDEF. For instance:

Change this

#declare LDXQual = 3;

To this

#ifndef (LDXQual) #declare LDXQual = 3; #end

2. Check the variable's value when disabling lights and camera. For instance:

Change this

// Camera
#ifndef (LDXSkipCamera)
camera {
    #declare LDXCamAspect = image_width/image_height;
    location LDXCameraLoc
    sky LDXCameraSky
    right LDXCamAspect * < -1,0,0 >
    look_at LDXCameraLookAt
    angle 77.011589

To this

// Camera
#ifndef (LDXSkipCamera) #declare LDXSkipCamera = false; #end

#if (LDXSkipCamera = false)
camera {
    #declare LDXCamAspect = image_width/image_height;
    location LDXCameraLoc
    sky LDXCameraSky
    right LDXCamAspect * < -1,0,0 >
    look_at LDXCameraLookAt
    angle 77.011589

3. Create a variable to enable/disable the background. For instance:

#if (LDXShowBackground = true) background { color rgb <LDXBgR,LDXBgG,LDXBgB> } #end

4. Lastly, if you could do the camera calculations inside the POV file instead of "hardcoding" the values, that would be great. For instance, start with latitude, longitude and radius to generate the camera location; then translate the camera based on the center of the bounding box. (I'm not 100% sure exactly what LDView does to output the camera.)

Thank you!!
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Messages In This Thread
LDView povray export - by Michael Horvath - 2019-06-20, 6:47
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-20, 17:37
RE: LDView povray export - by Michael Horvath - 2019-06-20, 23:03
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-21, 2:04
RE: LDView povray export - by Michael Horvath - 2019-06-21, 21:56
RE: LDView povray export - by Orion Pobursky - 2019-06-21, 22:00
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-21, 23:53
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-22, 19:48
RE: LDView povray export - by Michael Horvath - 2019-06-25, 12:40
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-21, 3:46
RE: LDView povray export - by Steffen - 2019-06-23, 1:31
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-23, 1:48
RE: LDView povray export - by Michael Horvath - 2019-06-25, 23:35
RE: LDView povray export - by Travis Cobbs - 2019-06-26, 1:42

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