Space police III series

Space police III series
Hello to all,
I will upload the Space police III models that I made .
You can use it freely, I give it 'Free ONLY for NON-Commercial Use' .
At the time are referred as "Unofficial model" but only because they were not verified by other people.

Here are some notes for possible improvements.

They collected all the models of the Space police III series.

There are 15 box-sets that I organized in 1 mpd for each one.

If there are moving parts (hooks, trailers, tippers, ...), I created more ldr files for a single object in order to simplify a possible next animation.
In order not to complicate the archive, however, the wheels have been incorporated into the one file ldr of the vehicle.
In the mpd file of a box-set, each vehicle has its own independent structure (ldr file).

The basic idea is to assign names to the following :
xxxx [x ] - [ yyy ] - [ z ] - [ u]
xxxx [ x ] is the code box ( four or five digits)
yyyyyy is the option code for the second box , if the vehicle is a combination
z is the progressive optional for different independent models inside the box
u is a letter optional for the parts that make up the model , and that can move between them.

As for the choice of colors, I tried to respect those provided by Lego, but it is possible that some have escaped me.

I did not use stickers: I do not like in real life and I prefer not to use them even in the virtual world.
I did not realize the minifiugres in the box-sets.

Ldr files were introduced in the steps for building: do not reflect the official ones of the instruction manual.
The models are built bottom-up.

The vehicles are all oriented with the longitudinal axis x and muzzle in a positive direction.

Some parts, used to build the models, are not yet available in the official version LDraw.
What follows is the list of the missing parts in each model.

In box set 5974 is missing the part 32008 (Minifig flipper, used as deflector of the jet engine).
In box set 5980 is missing the part 59616 (Shell 6 3 x 12 x 5, used as railing).

Now stop write, it's time to load the models!
I hope you enjoy them as I liked building them!
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Space police III series - by Massimo Maso - 2015-08-10, 13:15
Re: Space police III series - by Massimo Maso - 2015-08-10, 13:22

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