I think that generating from already existing files will be ok for max. 50% of the connection points. Leaves 50% . That is too much. Maybe it has been at LD3Modeler (sorry, i do not remember the name well ) where all the connection points are stored in another directory but with the same name? I like that approach. I would also be fine with a file beneth the current dat file but with a different extension (maybe ldc for ldraw connection). The benefit with the separate directory / folder will be that we do not just double the files in our main folders.
To start from scratch is in my opinion not the best way, because we have already a system that works. So we have also a lot of data already that can be used.
To start from scratch is in my opinion not the best way, because we have already a system that works. So we have also a lot of data already that can be used.