Compressed LDraw files

Re: Compressed LDraw files
My 0.02: I like the .mpz idea - a changed suffix to indicate to casual useres that:
1. This isn't the .mpd format you are used to - don't open it in WordPad and
2. Your favorite editor might not understand it.
It's cute for developers that the files are 'secretly' standard compression formats and thus very easy to process, but that's a power user feature.

(With X-Plane we went the opposite route and allowed 7z archives with _no_ change of suffix....when the system handles them transparently it's great, but when an old tool fails to understand why the file is filled with junk, the user becomes confused because the extension doesn't look different.)
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Messages In This Thread
Compressed LDraw files - by Roland Melkert - 2013-01-29, 20:33
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Tim Gould - 2013-01-29, 20:44
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Travis Cobbs - 2013-01-29, 20:49
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Tim Gould - 2013-01-29, 22:10
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Ben Supnik - 2013-01-30, 6:36
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Ben Supnik - 2013-01-30, 20:59
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Allen Smith - 2013-01-30, 17:17
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Ben Supnik - 2013-01-30, 21:15
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Allen Smith - 2013-01-31, 4:39
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Travis Cobbs - 2013-01-31, 21:59
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Travis Cobbs - 2013-01-29, 20:46
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Steffen - 2013-01-29, 23:23
Re: Compressed LDraw files - by Steffen - 2013-02-03, 1:33

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