Thoughts on flexible part options

Re: Thoughts on flexible part options (Output ldr samples)
This is indeed great! Random thoughts, issues and suggestions...
- As mentionned by Travis, condlines are missing between sections, and also between adjacent triangles of the same facet.
- You could transform "flat enough" pair of triangles into quads. On your file, this reduces size by 25-30%.
- Keeping numbers of decimals low (say 2 digits) reduces file size and is really not a problem.
- Color of lines/condlines is indeed wrong, should be color 24 instead of color 16
- You have condlines overlapping edge lines in the groove between wires. This makes smooth shading go wrong there.

Attached files
- with colors corrected and precision reduction to 2dp
- With regeneretion of condlines using Edger2
- With triangle to quad conversion using rectifier.
Have a close look on them using LDView, you'll see the quality improvement at each step.

As for the references versions, it would look much better if scaling was done so that there is no gap on outer side of curvature. This will of course increase overlap on inner edge, but overlap is generally not visible. This doesn't solve problem where there is twisting, but it would look a lot better nonetheless. The drawback is that you have to account for width and thickness of donor...

Attached Files
.ldr   pathSample-deform - 2.ldr (Size: 1.05 MB / Downloads: 1)
.ldr   pathSample-deform - 2-Edger2.ldr (Size: 1.63 MB / Downloads: 1)
.ldr   pathSample-deform - 2-Edger2-Rectifier.ldr (Size: 1.3 MB / Downloads: 1)
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Re: Thoughts on flexible part options (Output ldr samples) - by Philippe Hurbain - 2013-01-27, 11:01

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