Thoughts on flexible part options

Re: Thoughts on flexible part options (Output ldr samples)
Ok, I've finished the raw LDraw lines generation so all 1.0 standard supporting software should render the flexible parts created with LDCad.

It's not completely done yet though, it needs some more fancy auto formatting and comments. I also need to include credits about the donor file authors (anyone has suggestions on how to do this properly (steerCo?))

Attached to this message are the .ldr files resulting from the above preview.

One uses the 'static references' and the other 'deform' method for generating the part, filesize for the deform one seems big but I think it's worth it. also this part is very bendy, normal parts would contain more straight lines I think (allowing for segment merging).

If any one has comments or ideas on how to reduce the file size or thinks I'm missing something important while generating these parts please let me know.

edit: minor bugfix, the deform version was only using a single decimal.

Attached Files
.ldr   pathSample-refs.ldr (Size: 12.59 KB / Downloads: 2)
.ldr   pathSample-deform.ldr (Size: 1.34 MB / Downloads: 2)
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Re: Thoughts on flexible part options (Output ldr samples) - by Roland Melkert - 2013-01-27, 1:04

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