There are a few more things to note:
0 ROTATION CENTER x y z allow_change "name"
The quote-marks are mandatory, and names are required to be unique.
0 ROTATION CONFIG id visible
'id' is either the 1-based index into the array of ROTATION CENTER lines, or else one of the following values:
0 : part origin
-1 : part centre
-2 : part rotation point - this is the first ROTATION CENTER, or the part's origin if there are no CENTER lines
-3 : world origin - ie (0, 0, 0)
0 ROTATION CENTER x y z allow_change "name"
The quote-marks are mandatory, and names are required to be unique.
0 ROTATION CONFIG id visible
'id' is either the 1-based index into the array of ROTATION CENTER lines, or else one of the following values:
0 : part origin
-1 : part centre
-2 : part rotation point - this is the first ROTATION CENTER, or the part's origin if there are no CENTER lines
-3 : world origin - ie (0, 0, 0)