Clearly these parts are not precise enough. This is especially clear on the tire, we can easily see gaps (gaps are easier to spot visually than overlaps!).
Coordinates in LDraw files are generally rounded to 3 dp. Add to that some rounding in transformation matrix of subparts, and you can reach mismatches as high as 0.01. Higher mismatches are generally visible, or can be spotted with Edger2 (standard "vertices unification0" threshold of Edger2 is 0.001).
Coordinates in LDraw files are generally rounded to 3 dp. Add to that some rounding in transformation matrix of subparts, and you can reach mismatches as high as 0.01. Higher mismatches are generally visible, or can be spotted with Edger2 (standard "vertices unification0" threshold of Edger2 is 0.001).