Jabba the Hutt [sw0071]

RE: Jabba the Hutt [sw0071]
(2025-03-13, 17:37)Chris Böhnke Wrote: Jabba's hand and arm are a single piece (identical to like Hagrid from 2001 or some/maybe all Jack Stone figures from 2001-2003).

The movable arm piece (shown on Doc Ock) wasn't introduced until 2004, so a year to late for Jabba.

yup jabba's arm pre 2004 hagrid and jack stone figures use the arm piece iirc
also in the pics above there is a visible gap on jabba possible to spilt open using flat head screwdriver :p
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Messages In This Thread
Jabba the Hutt [sw0071] - by Phillip - 2023-02-10, 18:31
RE: Jabba the Hutt [sw0071] - by Richard - 2023-07-06, 22:01
RE: Jabba the Hutt [sw0071] - by Jeff Jones - 2025-03-12, 22:47
RE: Jabba the Hutt [sw0071] - by Jeff Jones - 2025-03-13, 18:28
RE: Jabba the Hutt [sw0071] - by Jeff Jones - 2025-03-13, 22:25

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