[LDPE] 1.8.90 Released (drag and drop shortcuts / abs. subfile references)

RE: [LDPE] 1.8.90 Released (drag and drop shortcuts / abs. subfile references)
Quote:...drag and drop Windows file shortcuts to LDPE to open the linked *.dat file.
If I drop a .dat shortcut on a LDPE shortcut, it does properly launch LDPE and open the .dat. But  can't drag and drop the .dat shortcut on opened LDPE window like I do with a file.

Quote:High-quality edges (type 2 and 5) were not displayed with OpenGL 3.3 on some graphic cards.
I still have my issue of disappearing edge line while NOT using  OpenGL 3.3 (see https://forums.ldraw.org/thread-28431-po...l#pid55623). So I switched to OpenGL 3.3 to be able to see the lines, but discovered another little quirk of that mode: LDPE doesn't switch to  "special condline mode" when I try to add a condline.

Quote:...reference subfiles on your harddrive by a full path (without having double spaces in the path, e.g. D:\folder\part.dat ).
...I realize that most of my pathes do use spaces, fortunately not double spaces  Big Grin Works perfectly, thanks!
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RE: [LDPE] 1.8.90 Released (drag and drop shortcuts / abs. subfile references) - by Philippe Hurbain - 2024-12-14, 9:35

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