(8 hours ago)Citra Susanto Wrote: One of the problem with workaround such as Crossover is lack of seamless continuity when switching between apps such as designing with LDCad and creating instruction with LPub3D. Any update in LPub3D are not be automatically detected. So we need to keep refresh the LDCad before doing any changes.
That's true, and also it doesn't seem possible to, for example, run LDView inside of another program like LDDP or DatHeader, which use it for preview functions.
On the other hand, LDCad is good enough to have a simple Reload command, so it's easy to view the results of a change made in TextEdit. The reverse, unfortunately, does not apply: you can't edit a model in LDCad and immediately see the resulting code in TextEdit without closing and reopening the file—and that's the Mac native app!