Part x351 (41850) - Body, Racers Driver

RE: Part x351 (41850) - Body, Racers Driver
(2024-11-05, 14:16)Jasper Speelman Wrote: Those are useful tips. How do I mirror a part because I did make it symmetrical yes. And how do I add a cylinder primitive?


You would need 2 files for this:
41850.dat (the actual part, but it doesn't contain the raw geometric data)
41850s01.dat (a sub-part file, containing the actual geometry)

Using the program of your choice just delete all vertices on either the left or right side of your model, so there should be a clean cut along the plane of symmetry and save this as 41850s01.dat. Then have a file 41850.dat only containing the metadata and enter two lines like this:

1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\41850s01.dat        //The left side
1 16 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\41850s01.dat       //The right side

Subfiles always start with linetype "1". By keeping the transformation matrix "empty" (0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1) you asure that the main part keeps the origin of your halfed sub-part (and all other properties as well).

In the second line just turn the first x-value of the rotation matrix from 1 to -1 to have that one mirrored.


Primitives work very similar to the above. Use line type 1 and then input the required values in the transformation matrix. The advantage here is that it reduces the number of lines in the file, makes the cylinder more easy to modify and allows for different resolutions in most viewers.

1) Delete the existing cylinder geometry (but remember the actual position)
2) Cylinder primitives are set with their origin in the center top, so enter the original coordinates as the first 3 values, in your case this would be: 0 -32 0 (with the height accuracy already adjusted)
3) The first and third triplet of values afterwards change the radius (default is 1 LDU). Since you want a radius of 6, this gives 6 0 0 and 0 0 6 respectively.
4) Finally adjust the height in the second triplet: 0 8 0

Using the 4-4cylc primitive (full 360° cylinder which has top but no bottom surface and edges on both ends) gives you this line:
1 16 0 -32 0 6 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 6 4-4cylc.dat

The official documentation on primitives can be found here:

While it's probably not 100% necessary for this part, I would still advise to use a matching "anti-circle" at the bottom around it, to avoid T-junctions and gaps:
1 16 0 -24 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 4-4ndis.dat
You would then have to realign the remaining vertices to this new square (including the mid points!)

You can then repeat this process for the underside of the pin Wink
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RE: Part x351 (41850) - Body, Racers Driver - by Chris Böhnke - 2024-11-05, 17:31

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