Part x351 (41850) - Body, Racers Driver

RE: Part x351 (41850) - Body, Racers Driver
(2024-11-05, 14:00)Chris Böhnke Wrote: Nice work there! I really like to finally have this part available Smile

Regarding the errors, most of it seems to be caused by the usual export mess-ups. It can be very easily fixed in LDraw Parts Editor (at least it seems so).

The meta data should look something like this:

0 Body, Racers Driver
0 Name: 41850.dat
0 Author: Jasper Speelman [JappaWakka]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part
0 !LICENSE Licensed under CC BY 4.0 : see CAreadme.txt


A few more issues I found thus far:
*edge lines (Line Type 2) should be reworked, there are a few missing or misplaced I would say
*Conditional Lines (Line Type 5) are missing entirely, those are needed to make the round areas look 'smooth' (use Edger2, then manually check for errors)
*many triangles could be merged to quadrilaterals (use Rectifier from LDPE)
*the neck connector pin should probably be replaced by a cylinder primitive

Most of this can be done with LDraw Parts Editor (LDPE):

br, Chris

Also, mirroring this part seems like a good idea. It's entirely symmetrical I guess?
Those are useful tips. How do I mirror a part because I did make it symmetrical yes. And how do I add a cylinder primitive?
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RE: Part x351 (41850) - Body, Racers Driver - by Jasper Speelman - 2024-11-05, 14:16

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